If it isn't Alex Rider (Part 1)

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Brookland has always offered a trip to another country for the seniors. Every year its to a different place and of course is completely educational. Well, sort of educational. The year previous all of the seniors who signed up went to Spain of course last years subject was language. The school alternates the subject each year and I'm excited because this year it's history. We don't know where yet but we will be finding out soon.

I've been excited for this trip because after all of the missions I've been on these past couple of years for MI6 I'm finally getting a break.

"Hey mate, where do you think we're going this year," my best friend Tom says. I shrug a bit and he excitedly bounces to the auditorium where they will be announcing the trip. When the two of us walk in I immediately take in my surroundings out of instinct. Tom notices but chooses not to comment. We each take a seat in one of the many chairs that are filled with other seniors. 

Our principal walks into the stage and we all give him our attention.

"Good afternoon everybody," he says and we all greet him in return. "I'm sure your all excited to hear we're your going this year so I'm not going to stall. This year you will be going on a four day trip to Washington D. C.," he announces and the students are filled with excitement. I don't blame them America is a nice place to relax. All I can think is shit. I know that the second our plane touches down I'll immediately be recognized by someone. I've worked with the CIA for numerous occasions and am now basically allowed to do what I please when I'm there. I'm no longer even stopped by airport security which probably won't end very well. Also I'm pretty sure Joe Byrne is notified when I enter the states but whatever.

"This is cool right?" Tom say and I just slowly nod in return.


When we're on the plane I make sure to have my phone on me. That's one condition Blunt and Jones gave me to come on this trip. I would have to have my phone on me at all times. Smithers made it so that it works wherever I am and added a few other special features. Tom rests his head on my a having fallen asleep two hours ago. I try to avoid sleeping in public because of my nightmare plagued rest. I've learned to run on very little sleep though.

||||||~time skip to the first full day~|||

When the plane lands and everyone gets off I stay by Tom the entire time. I know that we'll have to go through security and I know that when they see me ID that they'll recognize me. Some might recognize me before I go through security because it's not the first time I've been in this airport. I was brought to this airport on a few occasions. The ones that I worked with the CIA on and I know security was told to let me through.

My grade walks into the airport to go through security and immediately I see someone pointing to me. I recognize him as a man that works for the CIA. He was always here when I arrived and would take me to CIA headquarters. I watch as the man walks over to me.

"Rider," he greets and I nod in acknowledgement. "Can I help you with anything?" He asks me and a shake my head with a smile.

"No I'm good thanks though Drew," I tell him. Andrew has always been a talkative guy so we strike up a small conversation.

"How've you been Alex?"

I shrug and reply, "fine I guess." He gives me a small smile and mutters something along the lines of that's good.

"What brings you to the U.S.?" He asks with curiosity.

"School trip," I tell him which makes me snap my head towards the rest of my grade having forgot that they were there. Tom laughs a bit at my expression but covers it up nicely with a cough. "What brings you here?" I ask quietly while turning back to Drew. He lowers his voice to reply.

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