Field Trip

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Every year Brookland goes on a field trip to the police station. I don't know why but my guess is that they're trying to show us an example of where we don't want to end up unless it's for a job of course. To be honest it sounds pretty boring but I guess some kids get excited in hopes to see a criminal but I doubt the "criminals" in this jail are very much different to the ones I have seen. Maybe they're the same actually I really don't know.

I walk home with the permission slip for the trip in my bag. Tom got sick the other day so it's just me. I make it back to my uncle's house or should I say Ben and I's house after all it is owned by me. Ben moves in after Jack died because I was "in need of a guardian." I don't know why they picked Ben but they did so now I live with him. I walk up the front steps and open the door with the password I had set back when I moved back here. Only Ben and I know it along with a select few of our friends and family. I come from a family of spy's there was bound to be some sort of extra security.

"Ben I'm home," I call out as I walk through the door. I take my shoes off which are basically just combat boots and leave them by the door.

"Hey Alex," Ben greets while coming into the room. "How was school?"

"It's fine," I tell him. Obviously it's not fun being called a druggie all day but it doesn't really bother me. I hand him the permission slip and watch his face as he reads it.

"Sounds like a fun field trip," Ben snorts while signing it. I laugh and can't help but agree with him. That's when it dawns on me.

"Maybe I'll see you there," I say with a smirk. Ben sometimes works from there. Especially if there's a particular case that is above the station.

"Possibly," Ben says with a small smile. After that I walk upstairs and do my homework that is easy but unnecessary.

Time skip bc I just want to

It's Friday the day of the trip that I'm oh so excited for. Note the sarcasm. Tom is still sick so that's fun and now I'm going on a field trip to a damn police station. Who even sets up a field trip like this?

My class gets into a school bus and we begin our journey to the station. Throughout the bus ride I get called druggie about twenty times. They think it torments me which is kind of funny because I couldn't care less. When we finally arrive there we all pile of the bus which drives away quickly after we leave.

"Now I want everyone on their best behavior..." my teacher says that whole speech every teacher says. He leads our class into the station where we are greeted by an officer. She goes over some basic rules like don't touch anything or don't get in the way and stuff like that.

"Does anyone have any questions?" She asks. Funnily enough my teacher raises his hand along with many other kids. The officer points to my teacher first probably because his would be the most mature.

"Excuse I didn't quite catch your name," my teacher says to her and she lets out a small laugh.

"Oh sorry my name is Liz," she answers him politely. So this is Liz. I think she's the one that Ben is always talking about so I raise my hand along with my other classmates. I'm here right now might as well embarrass Ben while I'm at it.

Liz picks on a young boy who I don't know the name of first.

"What's your biggest case right now?" He asks her.

"Well many things are confidential but there has just been an arrest and some of my colleagues are bringing this guy in on an assault charge. He says they were easy to bring in and I think they caught his friend too," she says which peaks an interest in many of my schoolmates. Liz picks on a few other kids before finally reaching me.

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