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Tommy brought me to an RV in the middle of an empty forest and lead me into the van. "Ok, don't get too mad about this next part." He lead me into the back of the van.

"TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? DRUGS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I would have never expected this out of anything.

Tommy walked over to a chest and picked a book out of it. "Can you be quiet. Wilbur would freak if he knew you were here. Now here is the book. Tell me that isn't your signature."

I grabbed the book, Tommy had flipped it to the last page. There was the signatures of Dream, George, Sapnap, and Punz along with my signature. But I didn't sign this. "What the heck I didn't-"

"What is she doing here." I turned around to see Wilbur standing at the doorway. Anger in his eyes. 

"Hi Wilbur." I said awkwardly. This is not good. "So uh you making drugs?" 

"Tommy did you let her in?" Wilbur asked completely ignoring me.

Tommy could tell he was in trouble but pulled the same thing as always and acted oblivious to why. "It's a long story."

"Wilbur this seems a lot worse than it is." I said. Please say he won't keep ignoring me.

"How is this any way worse than it seems. You signed a declaration of war against us." Wilbur seemed ready to attack me at any moment.

"I didn't sign this. I didn't even know it existed until a few minutes ago." I explained. 

Tommy finally spoke up, "Wilbur she didn't sign this." He took the book from my hands and put it back in the chest.

Wilbur seemed to calm a bit at this news but was still angry. "So uh Dream said you were starting a nation but all I see is drugs. Care to fill in a few blanks?" I asked.

"Well I tried to be a humble drug dealer but they decided to arrest us. Me, Tubbo, Tommy, Eret, and Fundy are sick and tired of Dream bossing us around and committing acts of hate against us. So we are starting our new land separate from him." Wilbur explained.

"Hmm well it seems like Dream is in the right here for fighting against a drug empire." I said

Tommy added in on the conversation, "It is more than drugs. It is us saying that we won't be controlled by Dream." That does sound nice. Not being controlled by Dream. "Ok well you understand our motive now so are you fighting with us?"

"Sorry Tommy, Kind of trapped in fighting with Dream." I said. It wasn't long before I noticed what I said.

Wilbur stiffened, "So you are fighting with him. Leave." He said sternly. 

I walked out of the van and into the cold forest. I began walking back to my house.

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