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I walked to a small pond in the woods. I sat down and just stared at the water, putting the tips of my fingers in and grazing them on the surface of the water. They all made it out of the explosion safely. They all made it to the lake. I could not deal with their screams. Not today, today had been too much. I saw the sun in the sky ready to begin it's trip down and behind the mountains. 

I clearly wasn't the only one bothered by the explosion, Eret leaned on a tree next to me. "Hello" he said softly.

"Hey." I replied. We sat their silently for a moment. What could we say. This time yesterday we were against each other. "So, king? What is that about?" I asked. 

Eret looked forward. His mind clearly at war with it's self, his teary eyes hidden by his shades but I could see them from my lower angle. "In return for betraying L'manberg," Eret explained. "Dream has given me the title of King of The Dream SMP." 

Seems Dream can only get people on his side through payment. "Well then, Your Royal Highness." I said with a light chuckle. it seemed to lighten the air between us.

"You know we aren't so different. You and I." Ok what is he on about. Eret must have seen the confused look on my face because he elaborated, "I mean with our position in this war." 

I did not bring my friends into a room to slaughter them. "How?" I asked softly trying to keep the resentment out of my voice. 

"We are both fighting because we are being paid, we care deeply for the people of L'manberg and we both don't prefer fighting with Dream." He's kidding right.

I glared daggers at Eret, "You care deeply about them? Then what was that little murder trap? If you cared about them you wouldn't have done that. Who cares about money or the title of 'king' Dream will take it away the moment he sees you have your own ideas or pay you to shut up." I yelled. Small tears fell from under Eret's sunglasses. "I- I am so sorry. I didn't mean-"

"No. No. You don't understand. You are on the winning team you know only what they tell you. How about the five of us sharing half a loaf of bread to last a week because we can't grow crops on our burned land. How about us being chased from our own homes when we try and get basic resources. NO THAT IS WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. I CARE FOR THEM I JUST WON'T GIVE MY LIFE FOR THIS HOPELESS ENDEAVOR!" He snapped back at me. "You can't act like Dream won't just take away your payment either. Yeah don't think it took us long to figure out who gave us the bag. But fine if you really care about them that much then why don't you go fight with them?" His tone was nicer, but still scary.

I got up, "You know what, maybe I will you sick selfish dickhead." I walked away from him.

Author's Note: 400 reads! Ah thanks! This really is just a little story I'm writing to get emotions out without having to make my own story but I'm so happy people are enjoying it. I am reaching the end of this story soon but I have an idea for another Dream SMP story so that will hopefully be coming soon :)

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