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Tubbo and I made our way to the medical center where Tommy was asleep with Wilbur sitting next to him. Wilbur's face had obvious tracks left from tears. "How long has he been out?" I ask. I'm no doctor but it's good to know. Besides I'm the only one here who has properly healed after dying.

"No more than an hour." Wilbur said, finally noticing me and Tubbo. 

I nodded and walked over to where Wilbur was sitting, "He will be ok. You need rest, it's only been a few days, you should be in bed not fighting a war." Wilbur tried to interrupt but I stopped him, "I will be right here in case he wakes up. Go to bed. It will help with the pain. That goes for you to Tubbo."

"Fine." Wilbur clearly was tired. He got up and walked over to the door and motioned for Tubbo to follow. 

Tubbo put up his hand to signal, one minute. I looked at Tubbo, "You don't want to leave him?" He was easy to read. He nodded. "Come here." I patted another spot next to mine on the bed. Tubbo came over and sat. "This doesn't mean you don't need to sleep" 

"I just don't want anything to happen." The young boy said. 

This whole war has been moving so quickly. It all seems as if you close your eyes for a minute then you will miss it all. "I will wake you up the second anything happens. I promise." This seemed to calm the boy's worries a little but he still looked troubled. "What's wrong?" I asked in a way that wasn't a prompt, but instead a welcome mat.

"What do we do now? We lost" Tubbo spoke softly. They had nothing. They lost so much and get no reward. Am I supposed to be honest. Who knows what Dream will do. Probably force them out of their land. Tubbo and Tommy's houses are nothing but smithereens. Wilbur doesn't have a house outside of L'manberg. Dream won't just let them live the same. He is mad at them. He will not let them go back to how it was. 

What do I tell him? Well only telling part of the truth isn't lying. "I don't know. But it will all be ok one day I promise." What type of promise was that. How can I ensure that. Tubbo began to get more sleepy. He probably hasn't rested in days. 

"Why did you fight against us?" He asked through a foggy tired voice. The truth always comes back to bite doesn't it.  

"If there is one thing I could change, I would've fought with you guys." It wasn't a lie. Things would be so much better. I mean I would have died either way and been betrayed. But I would have kept my friends. "Dream trapped me on his side before I knew who I was fighting. I didn't want this to happen," I looked at Tommy. "I didn't want anything that has happened to happen. But I couldn't leave."

Tubbo yawned and got into a position to fall asleep, "I didn't want anything bad either." He let out another yawn. 

I noticed him drifting of to bed. "Goodnight." Now I was surrounded by two sleeping injured boys and George is going to be pissed if he knows I'm here.  But these are my friends. That is why I'm here. Because I don't hate them. I was wrong. But still, shouldn't I be more concerned about this awful situation.

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