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The next morning George knocked on my  door to get me up. I looked over at the clock 4:30 am. It is really go time. I got ready in my armor and put my hair up. I grabbed my bow and new quiver and headed downstairs. 

George and I didn't really have that much of an appetite. We both knew how big today was. I'm sure I had a few more nerves than George because he wasn't fighting his friends.

I need to stop calling them my friends. They betrayed me. They used me. They killed me. 

George saw me lost in my thoughts and shook my shoulder. "Hey. Let's get going. The sun will be up in a while."

I nodded and we headed out the door and down the path to L'manberg. The walls had been bordered by new walls. Dream and Punz already stood on top of the wall gazing down at L'manberg.

"Hello" Punz said as George and I joined them on the wall. I smiled at him before looking over at Dream.

"They have six minutes to raise white flags." Dream muttered under his breath. He looked over at his troops lined up on the wall with him, "And Sapnap has five minutes to get here or he's serving as bait." George let out a slight chuckle. 

As if on cue, Sapnap climbed up the wall "Or I'm what?" Everyone let out small laughs but I couldn't. My stomach was in my feet. I am in a lose-lose situation. Either I lose this war actually, or the people I care about lose. They aren't my friends but I don't hate them.

After about 10 minutes Wilbur came out of the van. "Anne" Dream called. I walked over to him.

"Yes." I replied.

He smiled, "Remember when I first recruited you, remember the reasons I gave?"  

I nodded, "I'm intimating and you can get me to get information."

"And the other one." Dream said. 

"Those were the only ones you gave." I said, "I mean unless you are about to give me money or something." 

"No. You are good with a bow." Dream explained. 

I thought for a second, "You didn't say that, George did." 

Dream shook his head, "Whatever. You are good with a bow. Now shoot at Wilbur, but not to hurt him, just to scare him."

I nodded. I loaded my bow and aimed, right by his face. There was a slight bit of wind, maybe if I lined this up just right. I fired the arrow and watched it fly through the air and graze Wilbur's face, adding a slight cut in the side of his perfect skin. 

"Nice shot." Sapnap said. I smiled.

Wilbur looked up and sighed. "Hello" His voice came from a small walkie talkie that dream held. "How do you like the view of our nation?" 

Dream rolled his eyes, "Nation? I thought this was a trailer park. A few decoration ideas, maybe some white flags." Dream said into the device.

"Not going to happen. but we are willing to meet you guys, on our own terms. Where would you like to meet?" Wilbur asked.

Dream looked at us and back at the radio, we had our plan and this was too perfect, "By your embassy." We all started to climb down the wall and head to the power tower. We lit a torch and got our bows ready. 

As soon as the troops of L'manberg arrived we didn't waste any time. We grabbed our arrows and lit them in the flame, then fired them, not at the men but at the ground where we had relocated all of the TNT they had placed.

The loud bangs drowned out the screams, I guess that made it better. But it still took me a minute to continue firing after hearing them. The army had gone into the embassy and were firing back at us, through the smoke rubble and fire. 

We continued to fire at them, the explosions had made it hard to see but we were doing much better. Suddenly George gasped from beside me. He fell down with an arrow in his leg. I immediately dove to his side as did Punz. Sapnap and Dream kept firing. 

"Get him stable enough to move. We will keep cover." Dream instructed us. Punz nodded grabbing the backpack he had been carrying and pulling out a first aid kit. I had an okay level of knowledge on this but I did what I could to help.

George squeezed my hand tightly, "Being shot sucks doesn't it." I said in an attempt to lighten the mood. It work a little. 

Punz worked on removing the arrow and cleaning the would. I helped him put on the bandage. "Dream we are ready." Punz said. 

Dream nodded. "RETREAT!" He screamed loudly so that the other team heard. George getting shot wasn't in the plan, but this was. 

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now