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The next few days were quiet. I guess they want to try and let the air cool, make them see their situation. Show them how next attack, they will have no choice but to surrender. 

But L'manberg aren't the only one's scared of the next battle. I am not even sure when the next battle is. Dream, Sapnap, Punz, and George know that I will not hesitate to fight against them. Heaven knows what Eret told them. I doubt he would keep his lips sealed. Especially after our conversation in the woods. 

Why would I fight with L'manberg anyways? It used to be that I was against them because one of them killed me. But that was definitely not intended. Besides they all got slaughtered in front of my eyes. I can't use my 'boo hoo I died' excuse to try and trick myself. 

For all Eret has, in the wise words of Tommy, fucked up. He was right. L'manberg is losing. They can't win. I'm only fighting for money. 

But whatever Dream can give me has lost it's worth. I can't sit and watch my friends get slaughtered. I don't want any more blood on my hands. Why did George drag me into this. Dream probably paid him to. The answer to everything for Dream is more payment. 

Dream didn't want me for my determination, or my wit, or my ability to fire an arrow. No he wanted to torment my friends. Torment me. Make us fight. What kind of sick monster is he.

Now that I think of it, why did they ever kidnap me. They knew that I would probably join their side quicker that way. If Tommy had never been taken and Dream just attacked, I would have jumped to protect my friends in the losing battle. I would betray Dream earlier. 

But it was like I said to Wilbur, Dream is always 10 steps ahead. That is why I never knew the plans. That is why he paid me to stay away from them, he knew I would defy him.

I would fight for L'manberg because they want freedom, but Dream crossed the line. The Final Control Room was way past it, but blowing them up. Dude, boundaries. I know it's war and all but chill. L'manberg doesn't deserve this, even if it is all just a poorly designed ploy to cover up a drug empire. 

I sat on my bed. My brain rushing with all my thoughts. I heard everyone downstairs discussing plans. They probably knew I could hear, they didn't invite me down. Granted I would have declined, but still. They don't want me. No, Dream doesn't want me. 

I was able to hear everything. My room was in the perfect spot for their words to echo up the stairs and into my ears. 

I heard the normal things, plans for attack, Tommy slander, jokes. What I didn't expect to hear was Wilbur's voice through dream's walkie talkie. 

"Dream, we are ready to negotiate surrender." His voice sounded so broken. Maybe this was more than a drug ruse. This was their way of fighting for what they believe, no matter how sexist, and fighting against dream's iron fist. Well diamond fist since capitalism seems to be his answer to everything.

L'manberg was fighting for freedom. And they have lost. It hurt. They gave so much and got nothing. They lost everything though. 

Tubbo and Tommy's house, their land, their drug van, their friends. The thought hurt 

They lost their friends. I lost my friends. They weren't going to forgive Eret, they weren't going to forgive me. 

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