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We all ran home. This didn't mean they had a leg up on us though. When we arrived back to the main Dream SMP, we split up. George and I ran back to our house while Dream and Sapnap ran to his. When we arrived at our house Punz was there already with a pile of TNT he had collected. 

"Good thing you guys found out. This could have been bad if they blew it up." Punz said as we joined him in digging for TNT. After an hour we cleared the whole area and headed over to Sapnap's house to help clear up his house. The five of us worked for another half an hour before we cleared the whole house. 

Sapnap's house had a lot more TNT than mine. Did L'manberg do that as a sign that they didn't hate me as much? Cool, that feeling is not mutual. We filled in any holes caused by us digging up bombs and Dream pulled us inside Sapnap's house.

It was my first time ever inside Sapnap's house. It was nothing to impressive. It was mainly clean except for a few corners where random items were piled up. The whole house smelt like Chinese take out. 

Dream didn't waste any time, as soon as we were all inside he closed the door. "We need to move up our plans. We start the next part now." I woke up today ready to only hurt one friend. 

"Dream, we aren't supposed to do that for three more days. That will throw off the timing of our whole plan." I tried to reason with him. I want L'manberg gone just as much as him but I don't think I can pull myself to do this today.

Dream sighed, "They want conflict, they are going to get conflict. They are already down a man. Antoinette, don't you see how perfect this is. We can win this war so easily." Dream's voice was filled with excitement. I looked around, everyone was on board with Dream's idea.

"Ok. Let's do this." I said. there was a moment of silence and I spoke up again,"And don't call me Antoinette." I took a deep inhale. This is war. remember why you are fighting. You are doing the right thing. 

We all prepared and marched over to the forest by L'manberg and began the next step of our plan. We all lit our torches and began to set trees on fire. The smoke in the sky danced along with the flames down below. The trees crackled and burned. We kept going around lighting more and more trees on fire. 

Eventually we finally caught the attention of someone. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Wilbur yelled from the entrance of the walls. Dream and Sapnap walked up to him while Punz and I continued to light each tree on fire. George was off doing his own mission, burning down Tubbo's house. Poor kid can't catch a break. 

"Wilbur, and the rest of L'manchildberg," Dream announced. I looked over through the curtain of smoke, "We have, no mercy! No mercy for you! We have burned your forest, we have burned down Tubbo's house, we have stormed his jungle base too. We will burn down your houses, we will kill everything inside your walls! And we will take back the land that was rightfully ours. If you do not surrender, I wanna see white flags, white flags outside of your base by tomorrow, at dawn or you are dead!" Dream's voice even scared me with the fury and force behind it.

It was war time.

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