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What is wrong with me? I hate everyone. I try but I can't get the thought from my head. One side of the war is using me, the other probably hate me and killed me. I keep trying to say it was no big deal, it was an accident. I know it was an accident but I still refuse to believe it. 

I was pulled from my thoughts by George knocking at my door. "Go away. I'm trying to sleep." It wasn't a lie. I was wrapped up in my blankets praying I could sleep tonight without seeing images of Tommy getting shot. George knew it was best to leave me. But he didn't. He knocked again. 

"Annie, I want to talk. I know you are upset. If you don't want to chat now we can in the morning ok?" It wasn't a question. There was no way I could avoid talking to him. But this wasn't like every other time I've been upset. He doesn't need to care for me. I could care for myself. After any bad thing, mom dying, fights with dad, my death,  George was the only person I wanted to see. Now I would do anything to avoid him. He noticed my silence, "Ok we will talk in the morning. Good night." 

What would he want to talk about. How he is not in the wrong here. For weeks I have been searching and finally I found the person I want to blame. I want to blame him because I'm upset. At the end of the day there was no real way to blame someone. I agreed to join, I didn't dodge the arrow, hell I don't know who even fired it. My thoughts formed a warm blanket around me and I quickly fell asleep.

A knock at the front door woke me up. I quickly got up and went to the stairs where I saw Tubbo at the door with George opposite of him. "Tubbo? What's wrong?" I asked walking over to him. I went to leave the house but George stopped me. I pushed his arm away and went over to Tubbo. "C'mon let's take a walk." I put my arm around the shaking boy and we began to walk together. After a minute I asked again, "Tubbo, why did you come?" 

I looked at Tubbo's face, he was on the verge of tears. I pulled him closer to me. "Tommy" He answered. His voice was shaky and full of sorrow. 

"What's wrong with Tommy?" I asked turning so we were heading to L'manberg. 

"He- he. He died." I let out a small gasp. He was in stable condition when I left. Probably just another part of his injury we couldn't see. He still has one life left though. God he's only sixteen and on one life. 

I stopped walking and pulled Tubbo into a tight hug. "Where is he?" I asked. There was nothing I could do. Potions wouldn't help with the pain of dying and I'm not even sure I'm welcomed in L'manberg.

Tubbo was quietly crying. "Wilbur brought him back to the medical building. He's asleep right now." 

"That's good. At least he isn't in pain." I looked at the young boy. He clearly wanted me to go. Heavens know why. "Tubbo, why did you come here. It's what like 2 am. Why did you knock on my door?" I asked

Tubbo took a few breaths, "I don't know, I just needed you. You are our friend. You were taking care of him." I am their friend. God I have been trying to forget and sever that tie since the war started. But they never stopped seeing me as a friend. I am still a friend. I was never not a friend.

I wiped a few tears from Tubbo's face, holding back my own tears, "Let's go pay Tommy a visit then." I said as we continued to walk. He is asleep and he wouldn't know. But I was still going to do all I can to make sure he is as taken car of as possible. 

It's what friends do. 

Author's note: Haha shit chapter queen. But in all honesty I write these in like 20 minutes and don't re read them before publishing. I am speed running these chapters dang. 

Anyways so this story is ending in the next few chapters, and I mean it although I said that like 10 chapters ago lol.

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