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After walking for a long while through the nether, we made it to the portal to Tubbo's jungle base. We all stood outside the portal and prepared ourselves. George pulled me aside and looked me in the eyes.

"Time to do it." He grabbed my arm and squeezed it, he moved the bracelets off my wrist revealing the two hearts that I have been hiding with the bracelets for the past week, "Remember why you are fighting" I looked at the hearts and back at George. I nodded and smiled at him. George pulls me in for a quick hug and we returned to everyone else.

"Ready?" Dream asked and we all nodded. We all entered the portal and began our plan. 

We all headed into the base, Tubbo was chopping down a tree, when he saw us he ran to his chests. He began stashing things in his ender chest. We all rushed up to him. 

George, Sapnap, and Dream all began to go through the chests and taking anything valuable. I pinned Tubbo to a wall and grabbed George's small knife and pushed it up to Tubbo's neck while pushing one of his arms against the wall with enough force to make it hurt.

"Hi" I said with a smile. Tubbo's eyes filled with fear, "You think I'm going to hurt you. I won't. Just answer my questions ok?" Tubbo nodded slightly. "Good. Now, what is L'manburg planning?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing." he said in a high pitched voice. He was very bad at hiding his fear. 

I pushed onto his arm harder and squeezed his wrist, causing Tubbo to let out a tiny whimper, "You suck at lying. I'm not even hurting you yet. So, what is the plan?" 

Tubbo's eyes filled with a few tears, "I don't know" I pushed the knife closer to his neck. "Ok ok ok, there is a plan." 

I let out a light chuckle, "I knew that, now what is it." 

"Tommy and Wilbur planted TNT under your's and Sapnap's houses. To distract you guys so we could steal from you guys." I stared at Tubbo with no emotions.

"Thank you for your corporation." I said gently removing the knife from his neck and moving my hand away. Tubbo's face filled with relief but it was brief. I quickly punched him as hard as I could in the face, effectively knocking him out. 

I walked over to help them loot the chests, "How did you do?" George asked. 

"Good I would say. Now we need to get back before word of this gets out. There is TNT at Sapnap and our houses." I said. George looked frightened at this news. 

Dream quickly responded, "Let's head back. We have everything of value anyways.  I'll radio Punz and tell him to start clearing the TNT up."

We all nodded and walked back to the portal, but not before I caught one last look at Tubbo unconscious on the floor. 

Georges words echoed in my mind as I looked at him, 'Remember why you are fighting' Was revenge worth it. Either way I did what I had to. And if I didn't than my house would be a burning pile of ashes. 

I didn't want to put an author's note here but you wouldn't see this if it was at the beginning.

 This chapter kinda sucks and I tried to mimic an unreleased story of mine but I failed with the context change. 

But in other news, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 READS! It means so much to me!

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