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//George POV//

Annie has been gone a while. Her walks don't usually last this long. I stood up from the table and walked to the door. I grabbed my jacket and opened the door. Sitting on the doorstep was Annie's bow and a note. I picked up the note and read,

We have taken Antoinette. We will not hesitate to hurt her. You know what we want, just give it to us. 

Sincerely, L'manburg.

I read the note over and over. This can't be real. No. What they want? Do they mean the land? THEY THINK THIS IS HOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET IT? I picked up the bow and ran to Dream's house. I pounded on his door until he opened up.

"George what's wrong. Come on in. You look like you've seen a ghost." Dream moved out of the doorway and I came in and gave him the note. He read over it for a minute. "Ok calm down."

"HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN? THEY TOOK ANNIE!" I screamed. I never raised my voice but I couldn't help it. I am freaking out.

"Well she is friends with most of them so they probably won't hurt her. Even if they do, they won't kill her. Read the note, 'we won't hesitate to hurt her' They could have made itt so much more threatening." Dream's statement calmed me down a little but that doesn't change the fact that they have Annie.

"How are we going to save her?" I asked. my voice is so shaky.

"I've had a plan for a while now and I think it's time we carry it out." Dream smiled, "We won't give them what they want, we will give them something to want." 

I processed what Dream said before speaking my mind, "What the hell does that mean?" Like seriously why does he have to be so cryptic. 

Dream walked across the room, "Don't worry about it. Now let's get Punz and Sapnap ready so we can pull this off soon." Soon. We will save her soon. Let's just hope Dream is right and they aren't hurting her. 

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