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We stood on the path. We all knew what was going to happen. The pit in my stomach was growing more and more each second. There was no way for me to not be here for this. I was going to have to watch. 

Sapnap seemed to notice how anxious I was. "Nervous?" He asked. 

"Well I know that I can count on one hand the amount of people better than me with a bow, and Tommy isn't even close." I said. 

Dream laughed, "Yeah well he's not even close to being smart either."  

Ok he has a point but still, "You are about to shoot the child and take everything from him, at least be nice about it." I said it in a joking enough manner that it wasn't going to be awkward but still gained a few chuckles. 

"Dream." Wilbur called. The member's of L'manberg arrived. The looks of fear and sadness on their face, we all knew what was going to happen. 

"Ready?" Dream asked. But it wasn't a question. We all knew it.  Tommy nodded. "Just to go over one last time, if you win L'manberg gains independence, if I win, I get Mellohi and L'manberg is still part of the DreamSMP." 

"Yes. Not sure how many times it needs to be said to get it through you thick skull." Tommy may be about to lose everything but he is still his normal cocky self. 

Wilbur stepped onto a big rock by the path, "Ok men, shake hands. I want a clean duel." Tommy and Dream reluctantly shook hands, "Now backs to each other. I will count to ten and each time you will both take a pace. When I say ten they you guys turn around and shoot." 

And there Tommy and Dream stood. Backs to each other. 


One to a thousand, Tommy's chances of winning.


To bad that it is ending like this.


We were three friends, Tommy, Tubbo, and I.


Before this stupid war. Why did this have to happen?


Five members on each side of the war, that's how it was meant to be.


Six people on our side because Eret messed up.


Seven days I was in bed after dying, and here Tommy was three days later. He's strong.


These are getting hard to come up with


I can't continue with these dumb ways of trying to distract myself. I need to wake up and face this. I looked up from the ground. 


Author's note

500 READS! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I tried something else with this chapter. I write a lot of poetry so I kinda tapped into that for the counting to try and dramatize it while not having it like every other story. I hoped it wasn't too bad. After seven it kinda fell apart. 

Keep being awesome and beautiful <3

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now