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I watched as Tommy shot his arrow, missing Dream. Any chance of victory has been lost. Dream  fired an arrow in response, hitting Tommy square in the chest. We all knew it was going to happen but we were all clinging to the small string of hope. The small chance of a miracle. 

"I expect Mellohi tomorrow." Dream said coldly over the screams of everyone in L'manberg before he walked off followed by Spanap, Punz, and George. I ran over to where Tommy was laying, Tubbo, Fundy and Wilbur by his side.

They didn't have any supplies and Tommy's wound seemed very bad. "Wait wait wait!" Wilbur and Fundy looked at me while Tubbo remained staring at Tommy's face. "Don't take the arrow out yet, you don't have anything to stop the bleeding." 

"Go away." Wilbur said coldly before turning back to Tommy. 

Fighting with the guy who caused Tommy to be laying here bleeding out was not a good look right now, "Will, I know you don't like me, but he will bleed out if you do that." 

This finally seemed to register in his mind. "Well do we just let him lay here with an arrow sticking out of him?" Wilbur asked.

I thought for a moment, what can we do? "One of you take off your jacket. Pull it out and use it to help stop the bleeding. I'll go get bandages." 

Wilbur quickly threw off his jacket and I ran off to the community house as quickly as my legs could carry me. When I finally reached the community house I dove into the medical chest and began to reach for the bandages before I heard a noise behind me. 

I turned and Dream was standing right behind me, "What are you doing." 

"Well you seemed to have shot a kid so I'm getting some bandages." My grip on the roll of bandages tightened. 

Dream nodded, "Well that would be helping the enemy. We had our deal Antoinette." 

I stood up to be at his eye level, "The war is over. You won. I can go help now." 

"The war isn't over until I get that disc." Dream said in a threatening voice.

So he wants the kid to die. Good to know he's evil. "And you will get it. If I help him then you will get it sooner so if you don't mind" I walked past him and to the exit of the community house. I ran back to where Tommy was. 

Now the arrow was laying on the floor and Wilbur had his jacket on Tommy's chest and was applying pressure on it. "There you are. It was a bad wound. he's losing a lot of blood." Wilbur said grabbing the bandages. he began to bandage Tommy's chest. We knew it wouldn't help much but it should help to get him to the medical center. 

"He's losing a lot of blood Will." Fundy noted. Wilbur had stopped putting as much pressure on the wound to bandage it. I dived down next to Wilbur and began to put some pressure on the wound without getting in the way of Wilbur's bandages.

Tubbo was still looking at Tommy's face. They both had heavy tears running down their faces, "Stay awake Tommy, please try. I know it hurts but please." Tubbo begged. 

Wilbur finished putting on the bandages, "Tommy, we are about to move ok?" He asked but got no reply "Tommy?" 

"He passed out." Tubbo said. Wilbur nodded and picked up Tommy and all of us began walking to L'manberg. 

Author's note: 

I really did not write this well.

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