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I woke up with my head throbbing. I was in a small room and on what looked like a cot. I sat up and looked around the room. I noticed empty potion bottles and bandages around. They have a medical building? Since when?

That's when I noticed the little fox boy sitting in the corner of the room. "Good morning. I'll go get Wilbur. Stay here will you." Fundy leaves not even giving me enough time to comprehend what he said until he's gone 

After a minute Wilbur walks in. "Hello." His calm demeanor was frightening at times

"Where am I?" I asked. Always a good thing to know.

"We built this little medical building because we are kinda heading into a war." Wilbur moved closer from where he was leaning against the door frame. "We had no place else to keep you."

"Keep me?!?" I tried to keep my doubts that this was a kidnapping, that I had simply fainted and dreamed the whole thing up. But now there was no denying it.

Wilbur looked at me for a second before realizing what he said, "Poor choice of words on my part there. We aren't going to hurt you or isolate you, or even trap you in this room. I think that in a few days time you will love it here. For now you should get some rest. I hit your head a little hard." 

Wilbur turned to leave but I stopped him, "Will, wait." He turns on his heels to face me, now I drop the kindness and dig into him, "You think by doing this you get a leg up on Dream. That you will get something don't you. Well you clearly forgot that Dream is always ten steps ahead." Wilbur kept his face hard to read, or I was just bad at reading faces, "You just dug yourself a grave. I hope you can get out." 

"We will see about that." Wilbur said as he walked away. Wilbur said I could leave but my head still hurts and I'm tired. I'm in no danger here so I don't need to worry about sleeping and getting harmed. I won't be here long anyways. I turned to my side and let my eyes gently close. 

L'manberg really is going above and beyond for this drug empire 

Originally written 2/7/21

Rewritten 3/6/21

still hate the chapter but it's better now 

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