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I was tired but I wasn't going to let myself sleep. There wasn't anything to do but sit and wait. Eventually I got tired of counting the floor tiles over and over again. I'm not sure how long I sat there counting for but there being around two hundred tiles in this room will forever be engraved in my brain. 

After a few hours Fundy came into the room. "Good morning." He said, waking over to me and Tubbo. "It's about 6:30. You should go. I'll take over." Wow I really have been here for a while. 

"Ok. Just be sure to wake Tubbo the second anything happens." Fundy nodded and the two of us switched places. I left the building and walked past the craters in the earth and back to my house. 

When I entered I was greeted exactly how I thought I would be. "Where have you been?" George's voice was upset but also relived to see me. 

"I had to help. There was an emergency with Tommy." There was no use in lying. I think he learned after last night that he shouldn't yell at me for helping them. 

I was expecting George to ignore me or get upset against his better judgement, but instead he asked, "Is he okay, what happened?" Not that he cares at all, he just doesn't want to upset me. 

I shouldn't tell about him dying. I don't think they would want be going around blabbing about it, "he's fine right now." I replied. "I'm going to go to bed. Wake me up if anything happens." I walked to my room and flopped onto my bed. I was still in my pajamas from last night. I quickly fell asleep.

I was woken up after a while. I checked the time. I got a few hours of rest not bad. "Wake up. Tommy is ready to surrender the disc. Dream wants us there." George said from my door. God why is Tommy already up. You really can't keep this kid down. I pulled myself from my bed and closed my door while I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs where George was waiting. 

We began to walk to L'manberg. Well L'manberg isn't a thing anymore. "Why does Dream even want us here?" I asked.

We saw the figures of who probably were Sapnap, Eret, Punz, and Dream in the distance. "To gloat victory and rub it in their faces."

"Dick move. Sounds like Dream." George gave me an upset look. "What? It's true!" We joined the group and headed into the walls of L'manberg and to the medical building. 

Wilbur noticed us. "Right in here." He motioned to the room where Tommy was. Dream motioned for the rest of us to stay outside so it was just him and Tommy in there. Now we all stood in awkward silence. I kept my gaze on the floor to avoid the looks of defeat on the faces of Wilbur, Fundy, and Tubbo. it hasn't left their face since the final control room. 

After a while Dream and Tommy both walked out of the room. Tommy walked over to Wilbur with a big smile on his face. "I secured our independence."He said proudly and the expression on everyone's faces changed. 

I stood there in shock. No way he did it. "How?" Wilbur asked in complete disbelief.

"I gave up both the discs." Tommy said. 

Wilbur pulled Tommy into a tight hug, "You are- I don't have words to express how amazing you are." The other members of L'manberg joined the hug. "Someone get me a book. We need to write a decree." Wilbur's voice still shook with excitement and a few tears rolled down his face. Fundy ran off and quickly returned with a book and quill. "Let's do this on top of the van" We all went outside. 

We moved over to the walls of L'manberg as the members climbed onto the van. Wilbur began to speak, "As we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees. The great hills to our south and the walls that have protected for years. I, as the now President L'Manburg hereby state" He took a big breath, "YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCK IT GREEN BOY!!!" All the members of L'manberg burst out laughing. I chocked back my laughter considering I was sitting right next to the green boy in question. I could also tell that everyone but Dream was holding back laughs. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Freedom" 

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