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The drug empire wins.

The green boy has sucked it.

Everything in this moment is amazing. Perfect.

But I will need to move on. 

Need to face all the relationships I need to mend.

The lousy payment I will get from Dream.

The fact that I will never get that life back.

The fact that they won't either.

The truth that I may be on the bad list of the most powerful man ever. 

But I will live in the moment for now. Good times only come around so often. You need to enjoy then when you can.

The end.

Author's note!

Wow I finished and changed the name finally. I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading. This was a shit piece of work but I am working on another story where I actually have it planned out this time and it won't be so tied to the plot. It is called "Evil?...Maybe." and I will be putting it out soon. The chapters will be longer and it will be a better book overall. 

Anyways thank you so much for reading. Keep being beautiful. 


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