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Once Tommy was settled into a room in the small medical building, I finally looked at the time. "I should go. If I stay one moment longer Dream will kill me. I'll brew some healing potions for him  tonight. The rest of you guys should rest." I walked out of what used to be L'manberg and began the walk home. 

The events of the past hour rushed through my mind. The war was over, unless you are Dream and care about stupid discs. As soon as I realized what L'manberg really was behind the fog of drugs and sexism, it was already too late. My friends probably hate me. It is still very obvious where the arrow I shot at Wilbur grazed his face. They died for nothing and I watched, helped fight them even. 

I walked into my house and began to walk upstairs when George stopped me, "Annie. Where have you been?" He asked. A half dead bat could guess the answer to that question. 

"Oh don't play dumb." I say. "Why does it matter, the war is over."

George shook his head. "The war is not over." 

"I just witnessed a bow duel that says otherwise." I snap back. 

"We do not cease fire until Dream gets Mellohi and the walls of L'manberg are taken down." George explains, "We are still at war."

This is stupid. "So I can't go and make sure my friend doesn't die? I'm sure that if he's alive then Dream will get his dumb disc sooner."

George sighed, he leaned against the wall. "You know I lied to Dream, said you were at home." He must have caught onto the fact I didn't care, "You are so close to losing all the payment. I am sticking up for you so you can run around and play your little games." 

"Sticking up for me? Are you saying that you are protecting me from this war. The war you dragged me into. You didn't stick up for me when Dream was right there trying to get me to join." I pointed at the kitchen table, "In fact you sided with him, you told me to join. I listened and look where it got me." I raised up my wrist letting the bracelets fall showing the two hearts. "You can't say now that you are 'looking out for me' now that all this madness is over. Why did you even encourage me to join, or did Dream pay you off? I mean that seems to be all you care about with the whole, 'you almost lost your payment'" I mocked his voice. 

"Annie" George tried to speak but I cut him off.

"No don't try to make yourself thee good guy. You didn't even try to help me when I was at my lowest so don't say you are saving me now that I am better." I went to my room and slammed the door. George has the key to unlock the door so I dragged over my chair and barricaded the door. I curled up next to my bed and let the warm tears fall down my face. 

This stupid war. I've been hating it since the beginning but not until I let it all out did I realize how much I did. i hate this stupid town, I hate Dream, I hate the other thought lingering in my head. 

I am beginning to hate everyone here 

Author's note: 

Ah beginning to feel self conscious about this story. but this chapter I think I did well. I mean considering I have no plan for this story and I am literally making it up as I write.

Oh yeah by the way, I have no idea what I'm doing in this story and I haven't for a long time but it's working. Just a little reminder that you don't always need to have everything perfect because it will all work out. 

Anyway keep being awesome :)

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