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That night I laid in my bed. Not sleeping just staring at the ceiling. This wasn't like all the other sleepless nights that have plagued me over the past months though. For once I wasn't thinking of myself when laying here. I wasn't thinking of what they said to me or how I felt of how much pain I was in. No, my mind was far from thinking about myself. 

Tommy said they have no bandages. They didn't have something so essential, who knows what else they don't have. I may be against L'manberg , but I'm still a good person. Great, I'm back to thinking about myself. Well, I can help. I will help. I got out of my bed and pulled out an old backpack from under it. 

I headed downstairs and pulled bottles of water from the fridge and a few apples from the counter. I quietly opened the front door and wandered to the community house, my bow and quiver with me. I put the bag down and headed over to the chests and began pulling things out. Bandages, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, gauze.

Before I could grab more I heard a noise behind me.  I quickly grabbed an arrow and loaded my bow before turning around. "Oh hi Punz." I let out a breath of relief ad put my bow away. 

Punz had his sword at the ready but when I turned around he lowered it, "What are you doing out so late Anne?" He asked, "I was just wandering back from Sapnap's and I heard noise. I thought you were one of the idiots." I chuckled lightly at his name for the revolutionaries. 

"We are low on medical supplies at the house. I completely forgot that I needed to get some until I laid down for bed." I lied, "Thought I should get them now before I forget." sometimes the best lies are the ones that are painfully honest. I've done this so many times that this lie was probably the most believable one I've ever told. "What were you doing at Sapnap's so late?" I wondered out loud.

Punz nodded at my reasoning for being out late, "I took care of his arm today and after he went to bed I passed out on his couch. I just woke up and figured I should probably go home." He answered, "Anyways, goodnight. Keep safe and take care of George." Punz left the house. Thankfully he didn't see the bag so he wouldn't know my real intentions. 

Ok what else do I need? I pick up a few more medical supplies before moving through the chests, grabbing flashlights, a box of matches, and a bunch of various supplies that people wouldn't notice I took unless they specifically looked.

Once the beg was filled I wandered over to L'manberg, forgetting about the destruction caused today. I gasped as I almost fell into the hole that used to be Tommy's front yard. I wandered around all the destruction and neared the walls of L'manberg. 

I didn't want to be seen by anyone, no matter who's side they were on. The only person I saw around was Fundy patrolling through the walls. I tracked his pattern and got ready to drop the bag and leave. As soon as he walked past the gate his back would be turned for around fifteen seconds. I had to be careful though, fox boy has good hearing. 

When he passed I walked over carefully and placed down the bag before sneaking to behind a tree. I watched as he turned and saw the bag. He stared at the bag before exiting the gate and looking around. I held my breath scared of being caught. Luckily, he didn't see me and he opened the bag. He looked inside and a wide smile cracked across his face. He ran inside the van with the bag and I took the chance to get away. 

Maybe I didn't completely hate them.

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