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We all began to descend the tower to the destroyed land below. I helped George down and began to help him walk. Dream noticed, "Sapnap help George and make sure he stays out of the line of fire. Anne and Punz I need you guys with me to make sure they aren't getting any ideas." He commanded. 

We all obeyed. Punz, Dream, and I all kept up defensive positions while Sapnap and George made their way down the path before following them. After a minute we diverged from the path and began to head to Ponk's tower.

"THEY ARE HEADING TO PONK'S TOWER!" Tommy called from behind us. 

I sighed and loaded my bow. "That pesky child." I muttered as I turned around and aimed up at him. I released the arrow but he dodged it just at the last second. 

"Pesky child?" Dream laughed. We picked up the pace to beat them to the tower.

We continued running while Sapnap and George kept close behind. "I'm almost two years older than him. I can call him child if he acts like one, which he always does." I said jokingly, making everyone lightly chuckle. We wandered under the trees approaching the tower. 

We began to wander over to the entrance to the tower when a few arrows rained down on us. "SHIT!" I exclaimed as I jumped back from an arrow narrowly avoiding my foot, I ran back to the safe cover of the trees. "Hell no, I'm not getting shot again."

"What's happening?" George asked. Sapnap helped him sit down against a tree and equipped his bow. 

Dream peeked out from behind the tree at the source of the arrows. "They went to your tower Punz." Dream sighed as another arrow came in his direction, "It's high up. Our arrows might not reach them but we could try."

Punz spoke up, "Let's at least try. I mean they are probably trashing my things as we speak." George sat on the sidelines as the rest of us went out of the trees holding our shields up and kept firing up at the army before ducking for cover behind our shield. 

Our arrows were nowhere close to reaching them. Dream opened his mouth and was about to give orders. When suddenly there was a scream, "FUCK!" Sapnap yelled. 

We all looked over to see an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. "Go back under the trees." Dream ordered. I grabbed Sapnap's bow that he dropped and scrambled under the trees. 

Sapnap sat across from George and Punz grabbed his backpack again. "I didn't pack enough stuff." He said, he then looked at the wound and began to talk to himself, "I need to get this arrow out before it moves then stop the bleeding." 

"So. what do we do now?" I asked Dream. Our plan was ruined. 

Dream sighed and leaned against a tree. "I guess they got a leg up." he sighed, "But this is jsut a battle. The war is not close to done."

"well, if this secret weapon you keep going on about is as good as you say." I began.

George cut me off, "It is. It is better than he says." I looked between the two of them. 

"Oh I see, so I'm the only one who doesn't know what it is?" I looked to Punz and Sapnap, only for Punz to briefly  nod at me before getting back to work. 

Dream sighed, "Just you wait. Just three more days until we use it. And we can't move this one forward so don't go on about my poor scheduling." I'm really starting to think he can read minds. When Punz was finished, the five of us wandered back to Sapnap's house where we had set up base. We discussed the pan for the next few days. They still wouldn't tell me what this 'secret weapon' is, but I wasn't going to have to wait long to see it. 

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