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// Antoinette POV//

I woke up to the sun shining through the window and into my eyes. I was still on the couch and holding George's hand. George looked exhausted, he probably hasn't slept all night. He noticed I was awake and squeezed my hand, "How are you feeling?" He asked me. 

"Better. It still hurts but not as much." I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the clock. 1 pm. "I've been out for almost 24 hours?" I asked. That is absolutely insane. 

George nodded, "Don't worry, it is normal when you." he cut himself off, "Well now that you are rested, do you think you are good enough to clean yourself up?" I looked at my shirt. It was covered in dirt and dried blood. I could only imagine what my face looked like. I nodded, "Ok come on let's get you upstairs." George said as he helped me off the couch and up the staircase. 

When we got into my room he went to turn on the shower as I grabbed some pajamas as George told me to. He helped me to the bathroom and then went downstairs to make me some food. I looked in the mirror, my whole body had dirt on it and scrapes from where I must have hit rocks when I fell. My face had dried blood coming from my mouth and my shirt had a big spot where I had been shot that was soaked in blood. I took of the shirt and examined the back, there was  more blood where I had been shot.

I hopped in the shower and felt pain as all my cuts were soaked in water. I didn't mind too much. I just wanted to wash myself clean. Clean of all the dirt and blood sure, but also just in my mind just for a moment. No more having to think of what side to take, no more running around with my friends, no more friends, no more L'manburg. That's how it needs to be.

I got out of the shower and changed into my pajamas. The shower seemed to help with the pain a little bit. I stumbled to my room and laid down in my bed. It felt so nice after such a bad day. I didn't want to move. I felt like I couldn't. That was until George came in and brought me pancakes. 

I ate them in quiet as George sat at the foot of my bed. When I finished I thanked him and he walked out. I went back to lying in my bad. I was still in a lot of pain but it felt like none at all compared to yesterday. I couldn't sleep more, all I could do is stare at my wall and get lost in my thoughts. And I was thinking of the awful truth. 

My friends betrayed me. 

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