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I sat in my room. I had washed up and I now wore new clothes and I sat on my bed. It had been about an hour. I heard someone enter the house and I went downstairs to look. 

George was at the door, "Wilbur and Dream are having a negotiations right now." 

"Surrender?" I asked. No way that was all it would take to end this war. 

George shook his head, "I doubt it. Wilbur is too determined to ever surrender. But we have a plan." 

I wonder if this would be better than last time they told me there was a plan, "Do I get to know it this time?" I ask.

George nodded, "If all goes right, we will light TNT in L'manburg." He explained. 

"Ok let's go then. I'm sure Wilbur and Dream can't keep up a conversation for that long." I said and George let out a chuckle. I don't know why I wanted to go, but I had to. If this was the demise of my friends, might as well be there.

We walked down to the walls of L'manberg. Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo were all waiting within the walls, looking absolutely defeated. George and I joined our army. Standing next to Eret felt odd, he was still in his L'manberg uniform. Even if he didn't have the jacket and hat, but he hadn't changed out of the rest of his uniform.

If looks could kill, there would be no way to save Eret from the stares coming from the three revolutionaries. We had returned in the middle of an argument between the groups. 

"Eret, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." Tommy said with anger fueling him. It doesn't take much to upset Tommy, so i imagine killing him didn't make him too happy.

Eret chuckled lightly, "I'm not sure about that." He replied to the rage filled child. 

Tubbo spoke up, "Eret, we farmed for hours together." His voice was broken. He had tears streaming down his face, "how could you?" Fundy had his arm around the young boy in an attempt to comfort him. 

Dream and Wilbur returned and everyone quickly went silent. It was the leader of L'manberg who broke the fragile silence. "Dream has given us an ultimatum. Either we surrender, or he will light this single piece of TNT." He looked at his men, there wasn't many so they were quite easy to read, "Now I see you all stand with me here. Independence or death. If we get no revolution, then we want nothing. We would rather die than give in to you and join your SMP. You can blow up a single piece of TNT in our gates, but we won't care." Oh Wilbur, I know the plan, and you are making the wrong decision. I want to scream and tell him to give up. I want to stop him, now I see why I wasn't told of Eret's betrayal. 

Dream smirked, "have it your way." Dream lit the piece of TNT and the six of us backed up. I watched as my friends backed just out of shot from the piece they were aware of. Their faces flooded with fear as they heard TNT hissing under them. There was screaming as they ran to the river. I turned and walked away. I didn't want to look at them suffering. Eret walked away too. 

Was he remorseful or a stuck up cocky bitch? I don't even know where I fall on that scale.

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now