Author's Note

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I know authors notes are scary, but I have a few things I need to explain for this story

First off, the character is named Antoinette. I lost a bet with a friend and she got to name the character. If you don't like the name don't blame me. But also Antoinette is a long name so I use differnt nicknames for her. So she is Toni, Annie, Anne, Netty, etc. in case the different names confuses you. 

Second, my head canon for how death works in this universe. Since Dream SMP is written with a 3 lives system, in this story I made a way of how these lives work. Each person has 3 lives (marked by hearts on their wrist.I got the heart idea from the Into The Unknown animatic by Your Friendly Local Bitch. If you haven't watched that you totally should) When someone dies they would wake up  wherever they call home. Whatever injury killed them would be healed, but all prior injuries would still be there. I'm not sure if I explained that well but yeah. 

Third, I shift between spelling it as L'manburg and L'manberg. Really depends how I'm feeling that day. I am unsure of which is correct so I use both. Sorry if the different spellings confuse you. 

I'm not as confident in some of these chapters as others, and this story is not as good as a lot of my other works but I'm still ok with it. I am trying to keep the chapters between 400-1000 words so sorry if I have a few chapters with rushed endings. 

I really get better as I get further into the story. Please don't give up on the story. It gets good around chapter 8. I hate the first few chapters and probably will rewrite them. 

That's all I can think of for now for things I need to say but I will edit this if I have more to add. 

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