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(Please read the author's note at the beginning so this makes sense.) 

My eyes shot open. I was in my bedroom all alone. Every inch of my body was in pain. Even breathing hurts. I must have passed out. Unless. No that's absolutely crazy. There is no way that happened. But if I had passed out then George would be here. 

I put my hand on my chest where I'd been shot. there was nothing there. Maybe it had healed? No it wouldn't be that quick.  I tried to get up from the bed but it hurt so much to move. I didn't care about the pain I had to get up. I just passed out and it's been a few hours. George is waiting for me downstairs. I pushed myself off the bed and stumbled downstairs. 

Every small movement caused more and more pain. As soon as I made it to the bottom of the staircase, George came bursting through the front door, "Annie. Oh my god. Are you ok." He came over and hugged me tightly, I tensed up in pain. George noticed and let go of me and guided me to the couch. He layed me down and propped my back up with a pillow. "Are you ok?" George's voice was shaking. He was so worried.

I managed to get out a few words, "No, it hurts" my words were fast and my voice showed how much pain I was in. 

George looked so worried. "Where. Where hurts." He was scared to touch me at all for fear of hurting me more. 

"Everywhere." I said weakly. George looked so sad. He got up quickly and went to the kitchen. He came back a moment later with a glass of water. I tried to grab it but my hands were shaking so much and it still hurt to move. 

Dream, Punz, and Spanap came into the house. "Is she ok?" Sapnap asked walking over to the couch. 

George placed the glass of water down on the ground, "She's in a lot of pain." he explained. I closed my eyes tightly hoping it would would make the pain go away. 

"She should get some rest" Dream advised. 

"That would be a lot easier if it didn't hurt to breathe." I said. It took so much to get those words out.

Dream sighed, "Ok well just saying." I opened my eyes and George was still next to me and the rest of them were around the couch as well.

I looked at George, I tried my best to give him a message silently. Get them to leave I begged with my eyes. Luckily George seemed to catch my drift and said, "You guys should go. Just so I can take care of Annie and she can rest. I'll call if I need help." 

Punz nodded, "Ok. get better." He said as the three of them made their way to the door. I heard it close and George got up and locked it. He came back and grabbed the glass of water off the floor. He held it up to my lips and let me drink some. 

He took the glass back and I smiled, "Thanks." I said. 

"Try and get some sleep. I'll be right here." George said as he moved to sit in a more comfortable position next to the couch. I moved my hand towards him and he grabbed mine. It was comforting even though it hurt so bad. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything else but the pain. 

Of course as is the case whenever you try not to focus on something bad, my mind went to somewhere worse. My 'friends' kidnapped me. My 'friends' shot at us. One of my 'friends' killed me. Which one did it? Tommy didn't, that's all I know. 

Tommy? What happened after I was shot. "George, what happened after I was... I was... What happened?" I asked. I was thinking it but I couldn't say it.

"I ran over to you, I let go of Tommy and he ran back to them. They stopped firing and it took everyone a moment to notice what had happened. I don't know what happened after, I ran here as quick as I could" His voice was full of pain. He remembered the moment so vividly but it hurt him to say it. 

I squeezed his hand tightly. I didn't say anything. I just held his hand tightly and didn't let go. I'm not sure who it is more comforting to, but I knew it was helping. 

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