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The sky was still dark and today's plan was not going to take place until noon. But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't just lay in bed. I wandered around my house lost in my own thoughts.

These are my friends. If they were your friends then your wrist would have three hearts on it. But I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt me. But they fired the arrows, you don't shoot at people without intending to hurt. 

I took a big inhale, "War is war." I whispered to myself. I looked at the time. 4:19 am, I have been wandering around my house for almost two hours now. I thought it would make me tired but it didn't. I gave up. I went back to my room and laid under my blankets. I closed my eyes tightly and tightly pushed a pillow on top of my head.

For the love of god Antoinette, fall asleep. You need the rest for this or it's going to be lame. Think about physics or something boring to put you to sleep. Count the sheep that are jumping over that highly inefficient fence. Just go to bed.

I woke up the next early to a knock on my bedroom door. I had gotten sleep, although not much. It was 8:45 am. Just over three hours until go time, although we probably need to leave before then. "Annie, get up. Big day!" George called through the door.

"I'm up I'm up." I responded sitting up in my bed and wiping the little sleep there was out of my eyes. 

George opened the door a little and looked at me, "Dream wants to meet up at 10:30 so be ready."

I nodded and got out of bed. George wandered downstairs and I walked to my closet. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. I just stood and looked at myself in the mirror. 

You aren't going to hurt anyone, just scare them a little. I reminded myself. I took a minute and just stared at myself breathing deeply in the mirror. I changed and went downstairs. George wasn't here, he must have left to prepare things. I made some toast and began was eating it when George came in through the door and went upstairs. 

Eventually I moved to reading my book and George moved to the couch. Waiting was the worst feeling ever, I just had to think about the plan. I was on board with he plan but it doesn't feel right. George looked at the clock and called over to me, "Alright well I think we should start heading out." I looked at the clock, 10:23, and nodded. 

As we walked I kept fidgeting with the bracelets on my arm. George took note of this, "You ready? I know they were all your friends, are you going to be able to do this?" He sounded almost as though he doubted me, I doubted myself too, but I still took offence. 

"Yeah I think. I'm sure." I said letting out a slight chuckle. 

George smiled, "You are doing the right thing, don't worry" 

When we met with Dream, he just restated the plan. Punz stayed behind to make sure no reinforcements would arrive while Dream, George, Sapnap, and I all set off on the long journey to Tubbo's jungle base. 

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now