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Punz treated Sapnap's shoulder, I helped while George sat next to me resting his leg. Dream stood in the corner silently watching. I handed Punz the bandages and he bang to bandage Sapnap's shoulder. "So, that was a complete fail." Sapnap said finally breaking the silence before letting out a small hiss of pain. 

Dream moved up from his slouching position against the wall and stood a little taller. "I wouldn't say 'complete fail'" Dream wandered over to us, "The plan was always to give them false confidence. Yeah the, going to the tower was not expected and you weren't meant to get shot, but we still hit them. We showed them we can hurt them and we were always going easy today."

"Dream so what. We are both still injured. They probably trashed Punz's tower, they won." George said. I hummed in agreement. 

Dream sighed. "We wanted to get their egos going. Make them think they are winning. So when we do use our secret weapon, it's even worse." 

"I'm sorry but I am the only one who doesn't know this secret weapon that seems to be fairly important. I mean I know it is being used in three days but other than that I am lost whenever you bring it up." I said. 

Dream opened his mouth to speak but Punz beat him to it, "You are close to the members of L'manberg. It's a SECRET weapon so we can't have you going off telling everyone." He strongly emphasized 'secret' maybe a bit too much. 

I smiled and shook my head lightly, "Why do you guys think I'm with them? You all saw me die. Just don't kill me and give me the paycheck and I'm on your side." George seemed uncomfortable when I mentioned my death. I grabbed his hand and it seemed to calm him.

"Look Annie, I know you want to know. We don't think you will turn on us, we are just keeping it tight lipped." George explained. I nodded, that gave no closer or reason but thanks for trying George. 

After a minute of silence, Dream finally said, "Well since we only have a few days, you two should rest up and get better. Punz and Anne, take care of them and also patrol and make sure no children are wandering around." We nodded. 

"Wilbur is literally older than you" Sapnap pointed out. 

Dream still had his mask on but we could all tell he rolled his eyes. "Make sure there are no children or drug men out side of their ugly walls." We all burst out into small laughter. 

I guess that is the perfect way to describe them. 

Author's note time!

Sorry for the kinda boring shorter chapter. But thank you guys so much for 200 reads! That is absolutely insane! Hey since I have people reading, be sure to drink water and take care of yourself, you beautiful human!

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