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"Alright well why don't you wash up. I will get you if anything happens." George says as we enter the house. I felt awful.My head was spinning, my emotions were a mess, my friends were dead.

The same question kept echoing in my mind, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. 

George looked at the ground, "We were scared you would tell. I'm sorry."

"You are only saying that because I have your sword." I chuckled. 

George shook his head, "Please, you would hurt yourself more than me if you swung that."

"Exactly, I can't use a sword, so why was I there?" I just want to know why he made me do that.

George saw how truly upset I was, "You could have sat it out." He explains.

What the fuck kind of explanation was that? "I didn't even know the plan. If you said, 'Oh we are going to ambush them' I would have sat it out. And you wouldn't need to worry about me telling them about Eret." Why couldn't they just tell me. 

George dropped his head lower. "I know you won't believe me, but I'm really sorry. Look, I'll never leave you out on plans again. Next time something is happening, you will know." George turned and walked out.

They really thought I was going to turn. Last time I communicated with any of the members of L'manberg, they literally killed me. I moved the bracelets on my wrist. 

Remember why you are fighting. 

Well that is a stupid saying  now. They have the same motivation. In fact, Dream is the reason I got shot, if they did the deal fair and square. 

But I would get nothing out of fighting with L'manberg anymore. And I would get paid for fighting with Dream.

Maybe Dream was right, I would turn to payment. 

FUCKING HELL. This is sick. I wish I could just stay out of this. But L'manberg is so close to losing. I have gotten done with the hard part. I just need to stick it out and get paid. 

Why do I even want to get paid? Well I guess I gave so much for this stupid war at this point I deserve the payment. What would I even do with the money? I sat and thought about it. 

Leave. Take the money, pack the few things I care about and go. Far from conflict. Far from this stupid war. Far from drug vans. Far from Final Control Rooms. Far from friends who kidnap friends. Far from traitors. Far from lemon trees. Far from fighting each other for fun. Far from stupid discs. Far from the madness, the masks, the games, the conflict. 

I didn't realize how much I hated this place until I laid it all out. Well I guess now I have a plan. 

Finish this war without hurting my friends anymore.

Get my payment


Although first I should change out of these clothes with blood splatters all over them. 

Author's note :)

Sorry for the crappy chapters lately. I have been feeling kinda down but pouring your emotions onto characters always helps. Anyways, drink your water and stay awesome! 

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