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I woke up ready to actually do something today. It had been a week now and I am done laying around. Most of the pain has gone away and I'm just sore now. I showered and changed out of my pajamas for the first time in a while. 

I walked downstairs, George was in the kitchen cooking some bacon. He looked at me and smiled, "Feeling better I see" He said. I nodded, I opened my mouth to speak but George beat me to it, "Good timing, Dream wants to speak with you."

That makes this a lot easier. "Perfect, I wanted to speak with him too." I said. George put the bacon onto plates with some waffles and handed me one. 

"I'll let him know. He wants to see you around 2. Is that good?" George asked me. 

I chuckled softly, "Hmmm don't think I've planned anything in the past week." George looked at me and shook his head softly before returning to his food. 

I cleaned up my room and did everything I have been pushing off all week. When 2:00 finally came around, Dream showed up to the house. George, Dream and I all sat down in the kitchen, same place as last when we last formally talked. 

Dream started out the conversation, "You are better I see." 

"Yeah. I'm a little sore, but other than that, good as new." I said. Dream nodded.

"And I take it that you have firmly chosen your side in this war even if payment wasn't on the table." Dream asked. Was he going to not pay me now? C'mon dude, all of this happened because of that payment. 

Even if payment was gone, I had picked my side, the side that didn't murder me, "Yeah." I said. I really do say 'yeah' a lot don't I.

"And I assume that it our side." Dream added. Of course it is. If not then why would I be here.

I smiled, "I'm an open book." Dream chuckled. 

"Good, and for the record, you will still be paid when all of this is over." Dream said. Can he read minds or some crap, "Now over the past week, L'manberg has been prepping for war, they aren't close to our resources, but it is still a lot. I have some plans I want to talk to you about for an attack in 2 days." 

It's just me and George, why is he telling us the plans here. Wouldn't he want the other half of his army. He probably already told them, George probably knows this plan. I've just been in my room crying for a week so I don't know. "Okay." I said as I sat up straighter. Dream began to disclose the plan. 

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now