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"Antoinette! Come down." Dream called from downstairs. Huh, guess I lost my rights to a nickname.  I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs. "L'manberg is surrendering. Let's head over. All of you stay quiet." He instructed. 

We walked to the walls of L'manberg, the low hanging sun only made the pit in my stomach feel worse. The land was ruined with craters all around from the explosion. Small tents were set up and the members of L'manberg stood at their gate, defeat on their faces. I looked at the ground below my feet. I can't risk making eye contact, it will just make me feel worse. 

"Hello Dream." Wilbur said. He had light tears streaming down his face. 

Dream chuckled, what a dick. "Hello. So ready to finally surrender?"

"I'd say we fought we fought well." The man who was once full of passion and desire was now broken by this war. 

"You could say that." Dream replied. Oh come on dude. Let the man be. 

Tommy began to yell at Dream but Wilbur stopped him. "What do you mean 'you could say that'?"

Wilbur could only stall Tommy speaking up, not prevent it. But he was calmer this time. "We fought incredibly you egotistical green-" He was cut off by Dream.

"You fought incredibly well," Dream clearly didn't believe his words, "We just fought a little bit better."


Wilbur was frantically trying to get Tommy to stop being his child self, "Tommy. Tommy! TOMMY! TOMMY CALM!" Wilbur, he's not a dog. 

Wilbur's words went through one of Tommy's ears and out the other. He continued his little outbursts. "YOU KNOW WHAT? WHY DON'T WE HAVE A BOW DUEL. ONE VERSUS ONE. A ONE MAN SHOWDOWN YOU BITCH. YOU EGOTISTICAL SON OF A BITCH! YOU SELF OBSESSED GREEN BASTARD." I was no longer looking at the floor but now at Tommy. He really had the fire in him. And it has never burned brighter. 

"TOMMY YOUR PASSION WILL GET YOU NOWHERE." This seemed to get Tommy a little calmer. But there was no talking him out of this. No matter how idiotic it is to try and fight Dream.

Tommy took a deep breath, "Dream, you have blown up all of our shit. So what do we have to lose. Let's do it. let's one versus one. I don't care, in front of everyone." Tommy's voice was much calmer now.

Wilbur looked so disappointed in Tommy, "What was the one thing I asked Tommy?" Clearly Wilbur expected this, and thought a few words could stop the child. 

"What are the details of the one versus one?" Dream finally put an end to Tommy's ranting. Every member of L'manberg's eyes filled with shock and fear. They didn't think Dream would listen to Tommy. 

Tommy took another big inhale. "One versus one bow duel. For L'manberg"

"You suck at laying out details. So let me do this," Dream said, "If you win you get independence. If you lose I get Mellohi" Tommy's face shrunk. Mellohi was a disc Tommy had. One of two of his. The discs were like any other but Dream always tried to steal them. They just have sentimental value. Them is just a dick move. 

The next word out of Tommy's mouth surprised us all, "Deal"

Dream hummed in amusement. "Well then why don't we have this at sundown, It's only about twenty minutes away. Meet you on the path on the river." Dream turned and walked away and the rest of Dream's army followed. 

I stayed behind, giving a look of sorry to Tommy. I then noticed my mouth was slightly open from the shock of what happened. I closed it quickly before opening it again, "I hope you know what you got yourself into." I said, "Best of luck." 

And with that I ran back to Mr.money man and his posse of paid fools. 

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