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George and I wandered back to our house. All the fighting had really ended early on in the day. It was almost noon now. I helped George sit down on the couch and headed to the kitchen. "Well, it's my turn to take care of you now. But I am not good at cooking like you." I said making George chuckle. 

"I'm not good at cooking, I just know how to read the recipe." He laughed.

"Unlike you I like to be creative." I responded. Sounds better than saying I suck at following instructions.

George let out a small chuckle, "That's how people get poisoned."

"Shut up. My food is mediocre. You are going to love it or you will have two wounds." I said with a chuckle. I grabbed some sliced ham and cheese out of the fridge and made two sandwiches. Not the best but hey, I'm lazy. 

I walked over with George's plate and a glass of water. I suddenly saw something out of the window. A navy blue blur run past. I placed down George's lunch and swiftly walked over to grab my bow and quiver. 

"I just saw something one second." I said to George before leaving the house. I followed the direction that the blur was running. To the community house. There I found Tommy rummaging through chests mumbling under his breath. 

"Hi Tommy." I said calmly drawing my bow as he froze and turned around. He put his hands up to try and show he was no danger. 

He tookk a deep breath, "Toni, I just want to talk." I readjusted my aim so the arrow was pointed directly art his heart.

I took a step closer to him, "You think I'm dumb? That I will fall for that again. Why are you here?" I demanded.

"Tubbo got shot. We are out of bandages and then I will be gone." Tommy said frantically, "Not that you are that concerned about Tubbo's well being based on what I've heard."

Tubbo got hurt? I should go help. I took a quick glance at my wrist. Remember why you are fighting. Doesn't mean I can't help from the sidelines. "First off, I didn't hurt Tubbo, at least not too badly. Secondly, you are looking in the food chests. Bandages are over there." I said gesturing to the other side of the community house. Tommy didn't move. I sighed, "You getting the bandages or not?" I asked. 

Tommy finally got the message and ran over to the chest and grabbed some bandages before turning and facing me, my bow aimed at him still. "Thanks Toni. You are a life saver, literally. This doesn't mean I forgive you though." 

"I'll give you five seconds to run." I said sternly. he was not allowed to be here. "Five...Four...Three" There was no use in counting anymore. Tommy was long out of earshot. 

I put my bow away and headed back home. When I got through the door George was halfway through his sandwich. "What was it?" He asked me as I put away my weapon.

"Tommy stealing. I scared him away though." I said. Telling selective parts of the truth isn't lying.

George smiled, "Good." 

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