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The room was small and made of blackstone. There were chest all around. The members of L'manburg were all there, shock on some faces, pure terror on others. Screams echoed through the small room.

I knew what happened. Eret had betrayed them. That was the weapon, Eret was the weapon. I snapped back int reality when I saw someone running in my direction, I instinctively swung my sword, I wasn't holding on tight enough and it flew out of my hand after hitting whatever I hit.  I looked down, it was Tubbo. I hit him right in the side. He looked up at me, his eyes full of fear. Fear and pain. What have I done. 

Remember why you are fighting.

"Eret...how could you?"  Tubbo's voice was shaky, was it shock, pain, fear, or sadness? I couldn't tell, probably all. 

I walked further into the room. I couldn't stand there in front of Tubbo. It was too much. I guess the weapon was effective. The entirety of L'manburg, except for Mr. Weapon, were all bleeding, not bleeding. They were dead. 

I shouldn't feel bad right, right? They are my friends but this is war. I heard a cry and I turned. Sapnap stood over Tubbo. I quickly turned my head. I couldn't look. 

They were dead. They all had three lives, they are fine. They are fine. I can't try and think that, not when I know the pain they are in. "Eret our new king!" Dream said in celebration. 

"What?" I asked. King?

"I'll explain later" Dream said to me, "Let's go." Punz, Sapnap, Eret, and George followed Dream back down the halls. I looked around the room. 

Why did this stupid war happen. Why did any of this need to happen. Why couldn't everything be peaceful. Why did I ever have to turn on my friends. Why. 

I walked over to grab my sword. That's when I noticed, Tommy was breathing. Tommy was alive. 

"Hey." I said moving over to him. He was sitting against the wall, there was blood everywhere. "I'm sorry" I whisper. He just looked at me. Tears falling from his eyes. "Tommy?"

"thanks for the medical supplies. I guess we will really need it." His voice was barely above a whisper. 

"I guess it wasn't that hard to figure out who gave it." 

"Yeah," His voice is  weak."What is it like...what is it like to die?" 

I bit my lip. I remember it so vividly, but I still don't know what to say. "It's the most pain imaginable. But then as soon as the pain starts, it stops. You feel nothing. You are nothing. Then you are back and all the pain is there again. And there is nothing you can do." I describe it the best I can. I feel a tear fall down my face but I don't care.

"Can you" He tried to speak but couldn't find the strength. After a moment he tried again, "It hurts so much, can you just end it." I wanted protest. But in the end, killing him is the right thing to do. He wont suffer as much if you do. 

I grabbed my sword. It's the right thing to do. "I'm so sorry" I whisper softly. I felt the sword hit his body. I didn't see, my eyes were closed. I didn't want to look. When I opened my eyes I could tell. He was dead. 

I turned to leave. I grabbed the sword. I looked at the exit, George was standing there. "C'mon." He said softly. 

"I want to go home." I said softly. Tears were pouring down my face.

George put his arm around me and began to guide me to the exit. "Dream wants us to met up at Eret's castle." 

"I want to go home." I repeated. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

George sighed, "Annie, you are too close to them." I shook my head. Why didn't they tell me. They  know what happened, I'm not on L'manberg's side. "I'll take you home, and I'll get you if anything important happens. Ok?" George says. 

"Yeah" More tears fall down my face. 

"They weren't your friends, why are you so upset." He asks.

They are my friends. I always want to believe they aren't. But they are.

Author's Note! I hate this chapter so much. I tried. I swear it will get better. 

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