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"Where are you going?" George asked as I went to leave the house. It had been two weeks since my conversation with Tommy and George has been breathing down my neck ever since.

"Just for a walk." George looked at me clearly not pleased with this, "Here I'll take this if it makes you feel better" I went into my room and grabbed my bow and had a quiver slung around my back.

"Yeah that does make it better." The war clearly made George uneasy and he was worried for me. I walked out of the house and began walking to the community house. If Dream was following me, he would just assume I was going on one of my normal strolls I've been doing for the past week or so to keep him off my sent. 

Eventually I walked to Tommy's house. I knocked and he opened the door. "Hello." He said. Something sounded off in his voice. I couldn't have surprised him. We met briefly a week ago and planned this meet up.

I placed my bow against the wall. "Hi. I think I got Dream off of me so he shouldn't know about this." I said. Tommy seemed nervous, "Why so tense?" I walked closer to him but then I heard a noise behind me. Tubbo was now standing with a sword blocking the exit. In the split second I looked away from Tommy, he pulled out his sword. I turned so both of them were in my vision. I began to back up, "Tommy, what is this?" Suddenly something hit my head from behind. 

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