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trigger warning.

Camila's POV

"So, I hope this tastes good." Mama smiled, putting some of the beans on his plate. "I'm sure it will Sinu." he smiled, pulling his full plate back. "It already smells amazing." he smiled. "mama, can you pass me the pot?" I asked, wanting to but the beans by myself on the plate. I das made some research already and I knew how many calories beans and rice had. "Dont be silly Camila. Give me your plate." Mama smiled, amercing everyone look at me, especially Sofi and Shawn. I didn't want to make this any more awkward so I gave her my plate and she put a huge portion of beans and rice on my plate. Oh gosh... these are way too many calories... was my first thought. Vomiting alone won't help me get rid of this... I took the plate back and started at it for a few seconds before starting to eat. "And? How does it taste?" Mama asked Shawn. "Amazing, honestly. Why haven't I tried this before?" he said amazed, taking more bites from the food. Mama, Papa and Shawn kept talking and I could feel Sofias eyes on me... which was weird. I had caught her watching me several times now... There is no way she is suspecting anything. How would she? She barely is around me... I smiled at her, taking a big bite of food to stop her from watching me. It kind of worked... causing her to at least look at her own plate and take a bite.

I was feeling awful... the food inside of me was making me feel so bloated... and fat. I was currently siting on the couch while Shawn and mama were cleaning up. I offered to do so as well but they said I could just sit down and relax for a bit. Sofi had rushed right back upstairs after observing me for most of lunch time and was now no where to be seen. This actually would be the perfect opportunity to.. throw my food back up. So I quietly made my way to my room so I could be 100 percent sure no one would hear me. As an excuse I would use that I had just grabbed my phone, if someone asks. I closed the door quietly behind me and then locked myself in my bathroom, immediately leaning down and sticking my fingers into my throat to force the food out one more time. I was glad that not too much time had passed since I ate so it was easier to get the huge amount of food back out. This time it hurt my throat a lot and I even threw up some blood... not pleasing at all. i wiped the tears away that had formed because of the pain. I then washed my mouth and drank some of the water to help my sore throat. This wasn't going well at all... but whatever. I took my phone and quietly rushed back downstairs. On my way downstairs I heard Sofi room door close.... weird. Why would she have gotten out of her room for such a short amount of time? Well... I just walked back downstairs, seeing that mama and Shawn were still talking but Shawns eyes shifted over to me and his smile slightly fell. What? I would definitely need to talk to him later... something is going on here.

"So, what are we preparing for later?" I asked, walking to the kitchen counter to do something and not just sit around. "I want chips!" mama said, making me laugh. I got out a pack of chips and filled it into a bowl. "Hey baby, what do you think of popcorn?" Shawn asked, joining me and placing his hands on my hips. "Yeah... salty or sweet?" I asked him, gettin another bowl. "Whatever you like baby." he said sweetly. Oh god... I'll just go with "Alright, sweet it is." I said, fake laughing and opening the pack of sweet popcorn ant pouring it into the bowl. "What else?" I asked, turning around and kissing him quickly. "Hmm... what about... we could make a fruit salad?" he suggested. "I mean, we have plenty of fruits here. And it would be something healthy to snack during a movie." "Yeah, that would be great." I said, smiling again. Food. So much food. But I still got all the suits and gave Shawn a cutting board so he could help me. We kept talking a bit, about music he was working on and about upcoming events and he even offered to show me one of his favorite songs so far. "I would love that" I smiled at him, kissing is cheek. "Alright. I'm gonna do that and I hope you like it... this new concept for my album is... different..." "Why do you think it is different? And I'm sure it is amazing." I beamed. "It is different because... I am in a completely different headspace... I am in love... truly in love... with the girl I always wanted..." he whispered, leaning down until he reached my lips and pecked them. "Baby... I am truly in love as well.... the fact that you are already tells me that this album is going to be amazing, really amazing...." I said, truly meaning it.

"Ready for the movie?" Papa asked, pulling me into him. "Sure, let me just maybe do a quick instagram story... people need to know I'm alive." I laughed. Sofi wasn't with us because she was having a zoom call with her friends which mama and papa were oaky with. "Go ahead. Shawn, do you mind maybe bringing over the snacks?" He asked Shawn who wasn't here yet. "Sure! coming right up!" he said playfully. In the meantime I leaned down on papas arm and filmed first myself then papa and lastly mama who was laying on papas other arm. When I was about to film myself again, Shawn laid down next to me, playfully tickling my side and causing me to stop filming. "Shawnnn." I groaned giggling. "What?" he said smiling as well. "So, ready to start the movie?" Papa asked. "Yes." "Sure" mama and Shawn said. I only nodded, laying down in Shawns arms as he held me close, kissing my head. It was funny... because mama and papa were kind of in the same position. It was cute. Shawn started eating the snacks right away when I couldnt even look at the snacks. Only one glance made me fell... fat. I tried to keep my gaze away from it so I wouldn't feel guilty but Shawn made that even more impossible by grabbing the fruit salad bowl he made for me and asked me if I wanted. "here, do you want some? It is amazing, I tried some of yours..." he said with a cheeky grin. "Sure." I said quickly so he wouldn't suspect anything. I picked up the small fork and picked up some of the pineapple in the bowl. "Eat with me?" I asked Shawn. If he would, the bowl would be empty faster. "Sure, but it's mainly yours." Shawn said. I nodded lightly, fearing that he was in fact suspecting something.... I ate a few fruits and then putting some on the fork for Shawn. "Here." I said, guiding the fork to his mouth. He opened his mouth and ate the fruits. "This is truly amazing." he groaned. "Shawn, Camila, Would you two lovebirds maybe be a little more quiet?" mama asked. I could her the light smile in her voice which made me chuckle. "Sure, sorry..." Shawn quickly apologized and not saying a word more.



i'm getting 2/4 of my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday... I am actually thinking of posting the first chapter of my new book next week.... but I dont know how I'll be feeling.... and if there will be any updates at all next week... still have to do online school as good as I can 🥴

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