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I need your help at the end🤚🏽

Camila's POV

I was recovering... or at least trying. My parents had talked to me... it was... weird. They were really concerned... papa was a little mad as well but everything was okay now.... They weren't forcing me to eat but they were clearly watching me every time I ate and I always had to eat downstairs with them, three times a day. Shawn also offered me to work out with him... nothing too intense just some easy exercises to I would feel more comfortable with my body... and I really appreciate that... I just love him a lot for helping me out so much.

A few days ago I got a request from 'MusiCares' to do a TikTok livestream tomorrow to raise money for their foundation. And I gladly accepted... always wanting to help out when it comes to raising money for foundations. I am really.... not happy about the livestream being on TikTok. I get a lot of hate on there... even more than on twitter... but that is the easiest way to raise money for their foundation so I agreed... mama would be filming so I didnt have to read any of the comments... Shawn would also be there, supporting me. During the livestream I would be washing Thunder. I thought it would be funny... washing my dog which is just so much bigger than myself.

I was planning some stuff right now, sitting in our upstairs living room with my laptop. Earlier today I sent out a video for L'Oreal about meditation and yoga which I filmed last night outside. Of course I support that as well. Sometimes I think I overwhelm myself too much by supporting so many foundations and groups at once... Shawn told me to slow down... but I just cant. I need to do the best. The best to help people in need out. Knowing I am, luckily, not in need of anything I at least want to help where I can. "Hey Babe. What are you doing?" Shawn asked entering the room. I looked up from my notes, scanning his body. He had just come back from working out so he looked extra jacked. "Hey babe." I smiled, putting my pen aside as he sat down next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked, pulling me into him from the side and kissing my head. "Alright... a little nervous. But other than that alright." I sigh, leaning against him. I actually was overwhelming myself... but I didnt need him to worry anymore, knowing he was in the middle of album planing and busy as well. "Do you want to get in bed a little earlier today? So we can just spend a little time together... and I can tell you a little about my new album..." He said, gently stroking my shoulder. "Hmhmmm." I mumbled, ready to actually get in bed right now since I was feeling so tired and exhausted. "Can we get in bed right now..." I mumbled. "Sure baby... let me just shower real quick, okay?" I nodded, pulling back from his embrace. He kissed my head, getting up and walking into our room to shower. I took that time to gather my things and walk into our room, into the bed. I just pulled off my leggings and my top, leaving me in only panties, waiting for Shawn while searching for something to watch.... Harry Potter. It's just something nice to watch while cuddling.

A few minutes later Shawn stepped out of the bathroom, only a towel around his hips. I watched him walk over to the closet, pulling out some white boxers and then walking over to me. I pulled the sheets side and he laid down, immediately pulling me into him. "You smell so good..." I said smiling, smelling his chest, massaging it with my hands. "so do you baby... we smell the same..." He giggled, kissing me again. "Can we watch Harry Potter? I already searched it up." I asked, resting my chin on his chest, looking up at him. "Sure, whatever calms you down." He pressed play, tightly wrapping his arms around my body and snuggling while comfortably watching the movie with me. Not long after that I fell asleep...


"Mila, dont stress yourself out." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder to stop her from pacing around the garden. I was holding Thunder, who was going to get a bath in a few minutes. "But I'm so nervous...." the anxiously said, finally stopping so I could pull her into me, letting go of thunders collar. "I know you are going to do amazing baby... and you are doing something so amazing.... raising money for that foundation. You are too good for this wold." I kissed her cheek, hoping to calm her down. "But i... I dont know..." "My love... dont think about the bad things... believe in yourself. you do so many amazing things and everyone knows that... even the people who dont have nice things to say about you." I encouraged her. "Mija! I am ready." Sinu walked outside with her phone in her hand. Mila didnt have any social medias on her phone... she downloads them when she has to post something and then deletes them again... I think its a good choice. We all think its better.

"You ready?" Sinu asked. I was sitting behind her, washing Camila and ready to jump in if Thunder got a little too complicated. "Y-Yeah.." Mila breathed and Sinu tapped start... the livestream started.

She looked so cute... whisking Thunder while looking so much smaller than him which was quite funny. Sometimes during the stream I had to jump in, helping her with thunder. She ended up wetting herself completely in freeing cold water towards the end of the stream so as soon as the stream ended I wrapped her up in a towel. "I- I'm freeeeezing." She stuttered in my arms. "Mija, you should go and take a warm bath." Sinu suggested, rubbing her back to warm her even more. "Yeah baby, we can take a bath together." I mumbled, kissing her head. "P-please." She stuttered. "Come on, lets get inside, it's getting dark and cold." I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. "Get undressed baby so I can fill up the tub, okay? What kind of bubbles do you want?" I asked, setting her down on the bed so she could finally get out of her drenched clothes. "Lavender?" She asked, starting to take off her shirt. "Lavender it is." I smiled, leaning down to kiss her node, walking out to the big bathroom to fill up the tub with warm water and purple lavender bubbles. I then walked back to our room, knocking before walking in. "Yeah, I'm ready..." She softly said and I walked in, seeing her nakedly wrapped in our blankets. "Come baby, the tub is warm and ready." I took her hand, leaning her over to the bathroom. I also undressed myself and then helped her in by holding her hand so she wouldn't slip. I sat down behind her, gently wrapping my hands around her slowly warming up body. She laid her head back into my embrace and our hands intertwined under the warm water. "I love you baby." I whispered, feeling really comfortable with her. "I love you too bebe." She smiled."Bebe?" I asked confused. She had never said that before. "Yeah, it means baby in Spanish." She answered. "I like that... bebe." I imitated her words. "Te quiero, bebe." I said, hoping it was right. "Te quiero tanto." She mumbled, making me happy. From then, it was only a comfortable silence, causing me to fall asleep with her in my arms.


Finally some piece for these two babies.

Hey guys sooo, I'm just asking out of interest I guess...
But what are first signs of an eating disorder? Like, just the slightest symptoms? Someone please tell me because... I kind of need to know and am interested in what you say 🤷🏽‍♀️

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