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Camila's POV

The next morning I woke up with one of Shawns arms lightly wrapped around me. I rolled over, seeing that he had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through instagram. "Morning." I said, kissing his chest. He looked down at me, set his phone down and gave my lips a small kiss. "Good morning beautiful. Whats on the list for today?" He asked. "Hmm, nothing.... cuddles." I said sleepy, burying my face into his chest as he put his arms around me. "Baby its already 9 am. We should go and eat breakfast." He whispered. I groaned and detangled my body from his. I sat up in bed before standing up and opening the curtains from my room. I felt Shawns eyes on my body, since my back was turned towards him. I only had panties and one of his shirts on. "You look... really good." I heard him say as he put his hands on my hips and kissed my neck. I hummed, putting my hands on his and softly pulling them away. "Breakfast? I am starving!" I whined. "Alright baby." He quickly went into the bathroom that was attached to my room as I pulled some shorts and a bra on. When he came out, his hair was a little less messy and I put my hair into a messy bun and we walked downstairs, grabbing my phone on the way, which I had left in the TV room in the evening.

"Morning mama." I said, tiredly pulling out a bowl and a cup for Shawn and me. I was going to eat cereal today. And the cup for Shawn was for his usual morning coffee. "What do you want to eat, babe?" I asked him, as I filled my bowl with cereal and milk, placing it on the counter. "Toast?" He said more like a question. I nodded, pulling out the toaster from the cupboard and a plate for him. we sat down together as I started eating my cereal. The rest of my family had already eaten so it were only the two of us while the rest of my family did something else. I decided checking my mails since I hadn't done that since yesterday and was surprised to find another one from Roger.

'Hello Camila, we were asked if you (and Shawn, since I know that he is with you) would be able in taking part in that home concert for TogetherAtHome. Your turn would be tomorrow at 3pm. Just give me an answer if you will be able to take part and if you decide on taking part, which everyone would be grateful for, post a short story so people know that you are going love. Maybe play a few songs... four or something, talk a bit, have fun and be yourselves. You don't have to only take songs of your own, you are free to choose. I would be happy if you take part! Hope to hear from you soon. Roger'

I had read it out to Shawn. "What do you think? Do you want to do it with me?" I looked at him, putting a spoon of cereal in my mouth. "Yeah, if you want me to. Don't you want to do it al-" "No! Please." I begged, not wanting to do a livestream alone when i know that I would probably gonna get a lot of hate. "Alright... then... should we practice a few songs later?" "Sure." I said, smiling at him before finishing my cereal. I'm glad we have a small recording studio and a music room in our house here so we could be unbothered.

We walked upstairs, changing clothes, brushing teeth and everything before going down into the small music room. "So, Should I play guitar?" Shawn asked. "Yeah, that would be super sweet!" I said excited. "You are super sweet." He smiled, walking over to the guitars. He also had brought his mini guitar because he was planning on teaching me to play. "Can I take this one?" He asked, taking out a light brown one, my favorite actually. "Sure, take whatever you want." I said, scrolling through my songs in my playlist to choose some to play. "So... did you choose some songs?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. "Kiss me? By ed Sheeran... I think it would me a major throwback.... you know. "I said, knowing that we sang this before when he had a huge crush on me but I just wasn't ready. "Sure babe. I think I still remember the chords" He said, sitting down next to me and started strumming the guitar. We both sang through the song and I wrote it down. "We are definitely singing this!" I said happily. "For sure." he smiled, pecking my lips. We sang through a few more songs and decided on 'Havana', 'Lost in Japan' and 'Señorita'. These would be our songs for the live concert. It almost took the whole day to practice the songs and I even did some special runs which Shawn really liked.

We had a lunchbreak in which we decided on taking a small walk through our neighborhood and I got kind of annoyed when I spotted paparazzis hidden and following us. Shawn made sure to hold my hand tightly, not only to show the paparazzis that our relationship was still going strong, but also to give me comfort. The walk took around 20 minutes and when we entered our house again, we grabbed some fruit from the kitchen and went back to practice. Well... we didn't really practice but it was still fun. We were sure that we could play and sing the songs though and gave Roger the confirmation for tomorrow. I designed a quick post for my story, announcing the concert for tomorrow and we continued messing around in the music room.

Before going to bed though, while I was in the bathroom after taking a shower and Shawn was working out in our workout room, I got a call from Roger. I was confused on why he would call so late but I answered it.

C: Hello? Roger? Is everything alright?

R: Hey Camila, Yeah... kind of...well, first of all, I'm glad that you and Shawn will be taking part in that concert tomorrow! Its a huge deal for everyone and I'm sure the fans are going to be really happy!

C: Yeah, we're glad that we have the chance to take part in it. But what else?

R: Yeah... due the pandemic... we might get some problems with your tour Camila... we don't know if we will be able to do it as planned this year.

When I heard that, I got sad and anxious.

C: W-what?

R: yeah... we are all pretty shocked... but we are not sure yet, just hope for the best alright? I will keep you updated. Nothing is confirmed just yet.

C: Okay... well... thank you. Have a good night

R: You too, Camila. And please don't make yourself crazy over this. We will handle it.

I hung up, placing my phone on the counter, looking at myself in the mirror. The tour... no. This couldn't be happening. My hands started shaking slightly, my head hurting and my vision got blurry and I knew what that meant. I quickly opened the drawer, taking out my anxiety pills and taking one out, downing it wit a few sips of water. Since the incident a year ago I was given anxiety pills since my anxiety would get really bad at some points. But sometimes they didn't help at all... like right now. When I couldn't calm down, I put my wet hair up in a bun, walking out of the bathroom and laying down in bed, pulling the covers over my body. I wasn't relaxed at all but I knew the only thing that helped was laying in bed and trying to sleep. I had to tie my hair up because otherwise I would try to pull it out... like so many times before. Shawn still hadn't come back from the gym room so I turned off the light, crying silently, hoping to finally fall asleep.


Mila :(
I guess you probably know me for changing the mood pretty quickly ✌🏻

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