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Camila's POV

I looked over when I woke up, seeing that Shawn was still asleep. Honestly, I would get up and make breakfast but I wasn't feeling too great... the bath yesterday warmed my body... but right now I am really freezing... apparently freezing so much that I sneezed. That sneeze caused an immense headache, making me groan. "Ugh.."  I pulled the blankets over my body to warm me again. I also pressed myself into Shawn who instinctively put his arms around me. "God.... baby you feel really hot..." I heard Shawn whispered when he touched my body. "Are you feeling okay?" He then asked a little more awake. "No.... I'm freezing." I mumbled, burying myself into his side. "Oh god... dont tell me you're getting sick again baby..." He gently said, stroking my arm. "Want me to bring you some tea?" "Please... and something for the pain please..." He kissed my forehead before getting up and walk downstairs. 

My body felt worse after a few hours, making me unable to do anything. I had told Shawn to not come too near since this was a little more serious than last time I was sick. "Mija..." Mama awoke me from my daydream. I turned my head to her, the blankets still covering my body. "How are you feeling? Any better?" She asked, staying a few feet away from my bed. I shook my head slightly. "Oh mija.... Here.... maybe we should measure your fever?" Probably the best idea... considering I was doing worse than before. "Yeah..." I croaked out, my voice hoarse from the hot temperature my body had. "Okay mija.... I'll be right back. Want me to send Shawn?" "Please..." I whispered. He was downstairs eating lunch... I couldnt eat... sore throat and yeah... drained. When mama left my room, I searched for more clothes to put on... but there was nothing more. I already had on a shirt, Shawns hoodie, sweat pants and three blankets... and yet I was still freezing... God, this feels horrible. I rarely am sick... and when I am, never like this... And that made me think... we are in the middle of a pandemic... could I have been infected? But if so, how? I didnt even leave the house... no one really did... 

"Baby... god... aren't you feeling hot?" Shawn asked softly when he entered the room, looking at me and sitting down on the stairs to my bed. "I am f-freezing..." I mumbled into the blanket. "I wish I could warm you..." He said with concern in his voice. "You are also really pale Mila..." He noticed. I had my eyes closed because it just was tiring holding my eyes open. "Mija..." Mama entered again with a fever meter in her hand. "Can you sit up? I need to measure your fever in your ear..." I nodded, pushing myself up so I was sitting up in bed. Mama still had some distance to my body, reaching out her hand so I could measure it myself. I turned it on and put it in my ear, waiting for the result.... It beeped and I put it out, giving it to mama so she could check the temperature, Shawn also walked over to look. "Oh.." Shawn gasped. "Hmm?" I looked over at them. "102,2 (39 ºC)" mama said, putting it away again. Maybe I should really get tested for Covid... I am a little concerned right now... "Mama? Maybe I should get tested?" I told her, honestly concerned. "You think? Or maybe we should get all tested...." I nodded at that. Until now no one of us had to get tested, fortunately, but things were looking a little different right now. "I'm calling someone to come over, alright?" She then walked out again after closing my blinds to block the sun and Shawn sat back down where he had been sitting before. "Aw baby.... want me to play guitar for you?"  "Hmm" I mumbled, turning to my side so I could watch Shawn play. He strummed his guitar, playing soft songs for me while I hoped to feel better soon.... I was really feeling like trash. 

"Is she seeping?" My moms voice woke me up. "I think so." Shawn. Just then I moved to show them that I had just woken up. "Baby? You awake?" I mumbled something so they know I am. "Mija, I called one of the doctors and they're sending a nurse to get us all covid tested later today, okay? We're all getting tested fo our own safety."  Mama explained and I nodded in agreement. I was scared but I knew it was for the best. If the test is negative Shawn can cuddle me again... without me being worried that he is going to be really sick. "Are you feeling better?" I shook my head, covering my eyes to stop the headache. "Alright mija... we're gonna eat late lunch. Do you want me to bring you up a soup?" "I'm bringing you one baby. I need you to get better soon." Shawn said softly. I just groaned before turning away from the door and cover myself back up. 

Shawn's POV

"Is she going to be better soon?" I asked Sinu as we made our way back down to get some soup for Mila. "She is Shawn. We're just doing this for your safety with those tests. I hope it is okay for you to also get tested." "Of course. I also want to be sure." I assured her. She smiled at me and poured two bowls of soup, one for Mila and one for me. "Here Shawn... you can go and eat upstairs with her just... maybe keep distance... for safety measures." "I will..." I took both bowls and was making my way upstairs before she stopped me again. "Shawn maybe... you can help her eat... but put on a mask... I know this might be stupid but-" "No, no. I completely understand Sinu. I will do that." I smiled, walking over to the counter with the unused mask, taking one and then walking to Milas room. It was worrying... how sick she got, so quickly. Such high fever is dangerous and worrying and definitely one of the number one symptoms for COVID so I also think it is better to get us all tested.... in case one of us has it but just doesnt have symptoms.

"Baby.... hey.... I brought your soup." I shook her a little to wake her back up. She groaned and yawned before opening her eyes. She was pretty pale and her eye bags were pretty visible... god, she looks sick. "Why the mask.." She asked confused. "So I can sit here next to you and feed you your soup." She offered me a very slight smile and I then helped her sit up. "Here, let me cover your body up." I said, pulling her blanket up to her chin. "Thanks." "So, hungry?" "A little." I smiled... at least she is hungry. I sat down on the edge of her bed with her bowl in my hand.

Right after eating she fell asleep, sitting up in bed. I gently placed one hand under her back and one under her legs to lay her down on the bed. I then made sure to cover her with plenty of blankets before leaving and do some sports downstairs until the doctor would come to get us tested. Oh how much I just wished I could lay next to her and warm her up.

"Lift your head up gently please..." "Is this gonna hurt?" Sofi asked, clearly nervous. "It Shouldn't. Just stay relaxed." The doctor said, gently putting the small and thin stick in her node. Sofi made a face but it quickly was over again. "God... this is horrible..." She then said, wiping away some tears that had unintentionally escaped. "Shawn please." I nodded and sat down on the chair in front of him. He did the same to me, to Sinu, Ale and lastly Mila, who had come downstairs wrapped up in blankets to get tested. "This will only take about 20 minutes. Then we'll know the results." He said. "Do you want something to drink?" Sinu asked kindly but he denied, saying he was not allowed to accept anything when he's in duty. We then all sat down in the living room on the couch, a little separated from each other, Mila wrapped in a blanket and a hot water bottle under her blanket. 

"We got results." The doctor said with sheets in his hands. "Alright so everything looks good, you are all healthy. Well... part from Camila being sick. But I can assure you that it is just a regular infection. No COVID." he smiled. "Thank god." Ale said, standing up. 

That night I slept next to Mila again. Her fever had subsided a little bit and since we were sure now that we dont have COVID I was clear to sleep next to her again. We just weren't able to share kisses but as long as I can hold her and make her feel better, it's alright with me.


Did you ever have to get COVID tested? I do have to get tested every week for my guitar lessons and it is not as horrible as everyone on social media says! If you ever get tested, don't be scared.

And oh god, yesterday I posted a picture on my instagram because I felt quite pretty and confident and the picture flopped so bad 💀 I'm so embarrassed oh my god. I wish I could just take it down again but then people know I'm insecure about it so yeah, here I am 🤡 (You can see the picture on my instagram if you want --> vivi_barreira ) peace out, prob never posting on there again 🥲

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