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Hey guys! Before I start with this story I want to say that I am really nervous about this... I hope I will be able to put in most of the important details we got from them during quarantine so far and please don't be mad if I forget something! I hope you like this... and I know there are other stories about them being in quarantine together... probably better ones but I always put in my little twist, at least.... I'll try....

Have fun and let me know what you think of it! <3

Camila's POV

'... I hope you all get home and stay safe! We will contact you as soon as we can continue the shoot of the movie!' And with that, I ended the FaceTime call. As soon as the camera turned off, tears started falling from my eyes. What is happening to the world? A global Pandemic? We were just shooting the cinderella movie and now, everyone has to self quarantine for at least two weeks, but experts say that it probably will be longer. And on top of that, I'm here alone in the UK... the other actors live here... I miss my family, a lot and Shawn the most... The pandemic wouldn't allow me to see Shawn...I wiped the tears from my eyes, contacting Roger, my manager, hoping that he could figure something out. I tapped on his contact and called him.

R: Hello? Camila? Is everything okay?

C: Hello Roger... I have a serious problem... I guess you have heard the news, right? The pandemic...-

R: Yes, yes Camila. I heard. And guess what! I am already booking a plane for you to come back to Miami... I'll send-

C: Cant I go to... Toronto... maybe?

R: Camila... i unterstand that you want to be with Shawn but you have been away for so long, that I think its the best if you fly back home... I already have your ticket planned... I don't even know if they would let you get out of your home state wit this pandemic going on.

C: Oh... alright...maybe... send me the details the... I'm going to start packing... if I should get out of the UK...

R: I'm sure you will! I'm very close to figuring everything out for you, Camila. Don't worry. Have a good night.

C: Bye...

I set the phone back down, more tears flowing my vision. I don't think I can bare to be that long without having Shawn with me... But if it's for our own safety... I will have to listen and self quarantine with only my family. So I stood up fro where I was sit-in and started to fill my two suitcases with my stuff. I was only staying in a small apartment, since I was here all by myself. I emptied all my closets and threw everything inside, not caring if it would fit or not. I was too sad to even do that right now. I just wanted to sleep and hope that this was all a sick night mare. I looked over at the table with the sunflowers Shawn had bought me for Valentines day. Together with two of his hoodies it was the only thing I had right now. I walked over to the table and took one out of the vase. As soon as I had it in my hand, more tears flowed out of my eyes. I can not do this without him. Self quarantine will destroy me mentally....I know I would not be alone at home but it is not the same.... I always withdraw myself from most family events and stuff because I would get too anxious and nervous about things and always overthink everything... to think that people are judging me, even though they are my family. But with Shawn it's different. With him I can drop my mask of perfection. He has seen me at my worst and most vulnerable moments... and not once did he judge me. Shawn saw me have anxiety attacks and panic attacks multiple times, unlike my family. I always try to hide it from them. I don't want to be the weak one in the family, knowing what my family went through... for me. I have no right to be sad, depressed or feel any sad emotions all the time.... well, at least not this sad. My family did so much for me and they are the strongest people I know... and I'm just a.... failure.

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