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"Pictures got out..." I mumbled when I saw the pictures on my timeline. Mila, who I thought was asleep suddenly shot up. "What? No... I thought we... would at least have a few more weeks in peace... and-" "Wait, what are you talking about?" I was confused. What do those pictures have to do with us being in peace? "The pictures got out? They know where we went?" "Ohh... no baby... I dont mean pictures from the airport or anything... we're safe and in peace, luckily. I mean... pictures of the health care worker's car yesterday... the COVID Center.... they know we got tested... do you think they think we have COVID?" I asked, looking down at a very sleepy looking Mila. "Oh... oh well... makes sense.. but... let them make assumptions... maybe they'll leave us alone... if they think we are home and quarantining..." She mumbled, head on my lap. "Well, good point... this is our opportunity to really be in peace for a little." I smiled, playing with her hair as she closed her eyes again and fell back into a light sleep. We were still on the plane, 3 hours left until we land in LA. I was actually really sad about having to leave Miami... I mean, I had the most amazing time there with the most amazing people. Mila's family was the absolute sweetest and I now love Mila even more than I did before... even though I thought that wasn't possible... but seeing her all natural, no makeup, no pretending, just herself, made me realize what a wonderful person she is. I am leaving Miami with my love... definitely the person I love the most... sorry mom and Aaliyah.i continued stroking her hair and occasionally brushing her soft cheek as I enjoyed the calm flight to LA.

 "Are we there yet?" I heard her mumble almost two hours later. "No baby... 40 more minutes." I told her with a smile. She smiled at that and stretched on my lap. She is damn cute.... "God baby... you are so cute... I love you." I told her, leaning down and pecking her lips. "Still tired?" I then asked, sitting back up. She nodded, scrunching up her nose. "You're very adorable." I told her and she giggled. "Maybe you shouldn't sleep so much because it'll be 5 am when we get home and we'll be sleeping again." I told her after checking the time. "But I am tired.." She whined making me laugh again. "Come here." I said, helping her sit up so she could cuddle into me with a blanket over our joined bodies. "We have a few more weeks to enjoy together before having to go back and work... mainly me." I told her, caressing her back. "I know... I'm glad I still have two months until having to go back to London to finish shooting. This whole COVID stuff really delayed everything." She sigh. "I know, but we had a wonderful time baby." She nodded at that, kissing my chest before falling back into a comfortable silence.

"Okay so the house should be all cleaned up, there should be at least something to eat fro breakfast in the fridge and the be should be made for the both of us... I hope that's right... this is your first time actually staying in my LA house..." Mila rambled as she was searching for the keys in her bag and then unlocking the door. "I'm sure it'll all be okay Mila." I said, holding her bag pack in my hand and our suitcases next to us on her front porch. When she opened the door I carried everything inside while she turned on the lights and checked if everything was alright. And damn... her house was amazing. I hadn't really been here before.... since I've been on tour almost the whole time since we got together and then went up to Toronto to spend Christmas there before parting ways again due to her having to film the movie in London. "Wow... Mila... your house is really amazing." I said in awe, looking around her huge living room which was connected to the kitchen with a nice counter in front of a balcony door.... view to a big pool. "You have a pool?" I said shocked. It was illuminated by lights since it was still rather dark outside but ist looked beautiful anyways. "Yeah... I rarely use it though since I'm always here for work... it's a little dirty... well, my whole garden is." She said guilty, standing next to me, looking outside. "We have enough time. We could get someone to clean your garden and fix the pool so we can use it." I suggested. "This looks really amazing... did you ever do yoga out here?" I asked since it looked really cozy and fitting for that. She shook her head. "No... the last time I stayed here... I was miserable and barely went outside... it was kind of my hiding spot and I wasn't really motivated to do anything." I nodded, remembering the time she told me over text how she was feeling. It was a little before I asked her to be my girlfriend. Not wanting to get more into the topic I grabbed her hand and let her lead me to the bedroom since I was actually really tired. "Okay... so this wasn't really designed for two people and I always stay here alone in this room so dont get your hopes up." She laughed slightly and opened the door. 

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