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Shawn's POV

Camila fell asleep during the movie, like usual. Sinu and Lae just laughed when they looked over and saw her pressed against my chest, drooling and fast asleep. "She has always been like this, since she was a little girl." Ale laughed. "Is it okay if we go to bed" I asked them. The movie wasn't finished yet but to be honest I was feeling tired as well. "Sure go you two, good night and sleep tight mojo." Sinu smiled. "Good night." I smiled back, picking Mila up and carrying her upstairs. I dont know if maybe I was being overdramatic but... she felt lighter when I was carrying her upstairs... I could also feel her spine a lot more.. I let out a quiet sigh, kissing her forehead before entering our room and placing her on her side of the bed. I quickly rushed over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff and before walking out, I splashed cod water on my face. This wasn't doing me any good either... I need her to be okay... she's the person I care most about... seeing her hurting herself... again... is breaking me. Especially now that we are truly in love with each other. I walked back outside, shutting the light off so I wouldn't wake her. I walked over to where she was laying and kneeled down next to her, pushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She is so... mesmerizing... beautiful... amazing.... lovely. How doesn't she see that? I put my face in my hand letting out a frustrated sigh again. Then I looked at her again. Even in the darkness she was astonishing. I pecked her nose lightly, standing up and laying down on my side of the bed, gently pulling her into me and making sure I had a firm but still gentle grip on her. I somehow couldnt bring myself to sleep... no matter how much I tried... So I put in my AirPods and tried to calm myself down by listening to some music. It calmed me down but it didn't make me tried. So I kept looking at Mila in the dark, her features... her beautiful face... her long lashes... her perfect side profile.... she just is the most amazing girl. "I love you... " I whispered into the dark and kissed her again, getting lost in thoughts for the rest of the night.

As soon as the sun shone into the room, I sat up. Music was still playing but I stopped it. The room was illuminated by sun which lightened my mood but I felt incredibly tired... Mila was still sound asleep next to me but it calmed me a little knowing that Mila had been laying next to me the whole night. By now I knew that something was definitely wrong with her eating habit. I laid back down, holding my head up with my arm and watching Mila sleep... no, admiring Mila sleep. After I placed another kiss on her cheek I decided that I could make some breakfast.... hoping she would eat. And I knew that if she wouldn't.... I would have to tell her parents... because this could end up very dangerous... and none of us wanted that.

No one was in the kitchen because it was still pretty early but I needed time to make something great for her... and I put a lot of effort in making it pretty, cutting the fruits into hearts and stars. I then put our favorite mugs on the tray after filling them with tea and also filled two small bowls with some yoghurt. Please Mila... dont make me tell your parents... I picked up the tray and walked back upstairs. by now it was 8 am and Sinu and Ale were also awake and in the garden. I was so incredibly tired but it didn't matter, only Mila mattered in that moment. When I opened the door to our room, Mila was already awake. But it looked like she had just woken up by the way she was rubbing her eyes so I calmed down a little, the fear of her maybe having thrown up quickly vanishing again. "Good morning baby." I smiled, closing the door behind me. "Mornin'" She smiled back. " I made breakfast, I hope you like it... I even cut out the fruits into little hearts and stars." I said, hoping to make her want to eat it. In her face I saw a little smile but it quickly vanished when she saw how 'much' food was on the tray... and it wasn't even much... It was worrying me. "Here..." I gave her her morning cup of tea which she took and immediately drank... but I knew liquids like that weren't a problem. "Take a yoghurt Mila, I made it with love." I smiled lightly, handing her the small bowl. "Thanks" She gave me a half hearted smile. And took it hesitantly. Shit Mila... dont worry me even more... was the thing I was thinking. While I put some fruits in my yoghurt and ate it, Mila just stared at her bowl in her hand. No... "Is everything okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, sure." She smiled up at me, eyes wandering back to the bowl in her hand. "Dont you like yoghurt? I thought you liked yoghurt?" "I- I do..." She said... her voice not steady. "Mila... talk to me...Whats wrong?" I asked, hoping that she would give me an answer... an answer to all the questions I had. "About what?" she asked, playing dumb. "Dont do this Mila...." "I dont know what you're talking about..." She then took the spoon and and forced a spoon of yoghurt into her mouth. No... I am done with this. I need to talk to her... right now. I can not sit here and watch while she is slowly destroying herself. "Mila, I need to talk to you." I then said, looking into her eyes but she avoided my gaze. I took the bowl out of her hand and placed it back on the tray, putting the tray on the floor so I could sit closer to her. I then took her hands into mine, trying to get her to look at me again...

"Mila... please..."


Sorry for the shorter chapter.... and the cliffhanger?

And sorry for not updating... like said I got my wisdom teeth out and am currently not doing school because of that so i algarve a lot to do.... and my teeth started to hurt like... 4 days post removal so that's another thing...

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