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Camila's POV

Shawn had made such a huge amount of breakfast and to be honest... it looked delicious. And his face when he said how sad he will be if I don't eat it... oh god, what am I gonna do? He was preparing the bed so we could eat while watching some Netflix. "Alll set." He smiled and asked me to sit down before him. "Thanks baby." I smiled unsure, still not knowing what I would do now. We both got comfortable next to each other and I leaned my head on his shoulder, waiting for him to choose something to watch. "How about 'Sugar Rush'? Maybe we get some inspiration to bake something ourselves." He laughed. "Yeah, thats cool." I mumbled smiling, too much in my head to even give a proper reaction. "You alright?" He asked after having picked up on my weird mood. "Yeah, yeah... just... hungry." Was the only escapes I came up with. Shit... now I would need to eat... but I have options for afterwards. So the moment he gave me an avocado toast, I took it and took a bite. I could feel Shawns eyes on me... like he was suspecting anything... so now more than ever I needed to make sure he wouldn't grow suspicious... no one from my family in fact. "Is it any good?" He asked after a few minutes of just eating and watching the show. I nodded my head, taking a sip from the tea. He let out a giggle, finished his toast and also drank a sip.

"Sooo what are we doing today?" Shawn asked after we cleaned everything up and were about to get ready. "I dont know... you cant really do anything with this weather... I mumbled while pulling out some clothes. Shawns hoodie and sweats. "Maybe we could..." was all he said before placing his hands on my hips and pulling me into him. I felt his hard chest against my back and also leaned my head back against him. "What could we?" I asked after he hadn't finished his sentence. "You know... cuddle? Get back into bed and spend a little more time there?" He mumbled into my hair, gently stroking my sides. I honestly could really use some cuddles... to distract myself from what was going on in my head. "Cuddles actually would be amazing... " I lightly smiled, looking up at him. He gave me a soft smile, wiping some hair out of my face. "Come." He took the things from my hand, placing them back in my closet and gently pulling me back to bed. He laid down first, pulling me on top of him and I quickly turned around so I was laying with my chest on his chest, still our favorite position to cuddle in. He put his arms around me and kissed my head. "I love you Baby... you know that, right?" I nodded slightly before answering "I know... I love you too." "Your whole family does love you...." He continued. "Yeah, I know?" Where was this going? He then caressed my back gently, wandering down to my lower back and drawing small circles there. "We love you so much... just how you are... You are perfect..." He continued. What is he doing? Please dont be suspecting anything...."Mila?" "Hmm?" "Look at me?" I looked up at him, my chin on his chest and one of his hands wandering up to may hair, stroking it gently. "I need you to know that I really love you... and there is no one else I love as much as I love you." He said, looking into my eyes but I couldn't look into his, feeling ashamed... ashamed of what I was doing to myself while Shawn was out here telling me just how much he loves me. But I let the guilt wash away quickly, telling myself that he will love me even more after I loose some weight. "I love you too babe. A lot." was all I got out before pressing y cheek against him again, pressing my eyes shut too stop tears from getting out. Maybe I just need more sleep.... I mean...the more I sleep, the less time I have to eat. And I feel tired 24/7 actually. "Sleep baby." I heard Shawn whispering before I closed my eyes in order to fall asleep.

"Hey... wake up...baby.... it's almost lunch time" I was awoken by Shawns soft voice which caused me too open my eyes. I was still laying on top of him, his hands stroking my back., lips attached to my head. "Hmm?" "Your mom called us for lunch." I let out a soft yawn before rubbing my eyes and lifting myself off from his body. The loss of body contact made me shiver instantly. "Aww, come on, lets get dressed so we can eat lunch.... and I've done some thinking, we could prepare a movie night with your family in the living room? What do you think?" Shawn said. "Honestly that is an amazing idea... we can talk to them later." I smiled, finally standing up to get dressed. For real this time. "I'm gonna get dressed real quick. Be back soon." I kissed his lips and rushed into the bathroom to get dressed. Of course I hadn't forgotten about breakfast but it just wasn't the right time. Knowing Shawn was outside waiting for me, I didn't even consider doing it at the moment. I let out a sigh before brushing me teeth and dressing myself. When I was done and opened the door, Shawn wasn't there. "Shawn?" I asked, walking further into my room. Nothing. Does this mean he is already downstairs? I opened the door to listen to any conversations hand when I heard Shawns voice downstairs talking to papa. This is it. I thought, quietly closing the door again and rushing to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet after putting my hair in a ponytail and stuck my finger into my throat. I knew I needed to be quick do I gagged on purpose to force the food out. And it was quicker than usual. My throat hurt afterwards but nothing I wasn't used to. I brushed my teeth again and made sure to clear all the evidence. "Hey! you're done." Shawn smiled, walking over and kissed my head. "yeah." I said. "So I just talked to your family and they think it's a great idea do make a movie night today, right Ale?" "Si, si, mija. I think it will be fun. We can all prepare snacks together. I just dont know if Sofi is up to it. Maybe ask her later?" "I can do that." Shawn smiled at him. I also smiled, walking to the cupboard to get a glass so I could drink water. That would case me to be full faster so I wouldn't have to eat so much. "Mama, what is for lunch today?" I asked, walking over to Eugene so I could pat his fur for a bit. "I made rice with beans.... I hope thats okay Shawn." She looked over at him. "Sure it is Sinu. I love to try food I never did before." "What, wait... are you saying you never ate rice with beans?" I gasped playfully at him. "Ehm... not?" he laughed, scratching his neck. "Aww. Then it's time baby." I laughed, getting on my tippy toes to kiss him.


Some fluffffff

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