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Shawn's POV

Apparently me rubbing her stomach calmed her down enough to fall asleep on the bathroom floor in my lap. Even though I was a little... disappointed at her... I needed to make sure she was okay for now... even if that means talking to her dad. Her mom was... frightened when I told her what was going on... and her dad was... very worried... so angry that he got mad... that's what had caused him to want and break into the bathroom but I stopped him, calming him and saying that I would handle it, talking later to him. I know he is not mad at her.... just incredibly worried and so is her mom. I getable got up with her in my lap, picking her up. She was definitely lighter than a few weeks ago.... this is sick... how did I not notice? I put her on the bed, pulling the covers over her cold body... that also explains why she is also feeling so cold... I sigh, making sure she was well covered by the blankets before pressing a kiss to her forehead and leaving to go and talk to her parents. I didnt close the door though, in case she would need me.

"Sinu? Ale?" I asked, entering the living room. The door to the garden was open so I guess they were outside. "Sinu?" I called again. And they were. They were sitting by the pool on the bank, talking and I could see the worry on their faces. I walked over, joining them. "Ai Shawn!" Sinu said when she saw me. "How is she?" Ale asked immediately. "I- she is sleeping...." I said, sitting down across from them. "Well... when will you?" Sinu asked calmly. "Wh-" "Wake her up. I need to have a word w-" "Ale, calm down... let our mija sleep... she probably is exhausted." Sinu tried to calm Ale down. "Yeah... please clam down... she fell asleep pretty quickly on my lap.... she- she had an anxiety attack earlier but I managed to calm her." I admitted, knowing how worried Sinu always gets when she knows that Mila had an anxiety attack. "Oh dio!" She said, putting her hands on her face and Ale placed a hand on his wife's back to calm her down. They were pretty lost I could tell... not knowing how to deal with something so....tragic was exhausting... to everyone involved. Even to Mila. I was still trying to understand. Why would she.... how? "Is it okay if I go back and stay with h-" "Go, go... take your time.... let her know that we are....." She looked over at Ale, squeezing his hand "... we are not mad at her. Just really concerned." Sinu said. Ale stayed quiet. I could tell he wanted to say something but held himself back, also nodding. With that I stood up and walked back inside, passing the kitchen to make some tea for her.

I peeked inside our room to see if she was awake but she was still sound asleep. I slightly smiled at her, even though she couldn't see it and walked over to her, placing the tea on her nightstand and getting into bed next to her. This would be some though couple of days....

Camila's POV

My head was hurting immense when I opened my eyes and so was my throat. What had happened? I was laying in my bed, blankets around my body, keeping me warm... luckily, because I was really freezing. I looked to my left and saw Shawn sitting on the bed on his laptop. "Shawn...." I whispered. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He immediately placed his laptop next to him on the floor and gave me his full attention. "My head hurts... and my throat..." I whispered again, not being able to really talk. "Water, I'll get you something." he stood up and walked over to our bathroom, coming back with a pill for my headache and something for my sore throat. "Thanks." I whispered, after drinking the water he had given me. Then it was quiet again. "Baby... can we tal-" I shook my head at that, I really didn't want to talk... and I also couldnt really. "Hold m-me... please..." I begged, tears threatening to fall again. I knew I had caused trouble... everyone was probably mad at me... even Shawn. But he just doesn't show it. He never does... he mostly just showed me his love. "Of course. Come here baby." He gently pulled me close to his chest, big spooning me, intertwining our hands in front of my stomach while her buried his head in my neck, kissing me gently... I cried silently. "Mila, this doesn't change anything about us... I still love you so incredibly much." He mumbled into my neck, kissing it again. I nodded, silent tears rolling down my cheeks. This is again a moment where I don't understand how he still loves me.... I bring so many problems.... struggles... But here he is, holding me and telling me how much he loves me. I appreciate him so incredibly much. I gave his hands which were intertwined to mine a light squeeze. "I love you Mila." "I love you too..." I whispered back. My face was tear stained and felt ugly... but I was feeling ugly in general... because of the things I did.... the things I was causing... the problems and concern for my family.

Shawn had fallen asleep. I couldnt, not again. Not because I didnt want to.... because I just couldnt. My mind was so crowded... with so many thought.... bad thought. I dont know why my mental health was so bad right now... it had been alright for a few weeks... but everything came crashing back down again. Fans were probably wondering if we were still alive and safe or if we had caught the virus.... when in realize I was just incredibly miserable, again. And I was once again dragging Shawn down with me. While he slept, I was drowning in my thoughts.....letting them pull me under. But with Shawn holding me, I felt a little.... safer from my mind.... Thank you Shawn.


She is loved.

All of you are loved.

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