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Camila's POV

Today was a weird morning... I woke up and Shawn was... distant. But I let him have his time, just like he had let me. I got dressed and Shawn spent the whole morning in the work out room. I ate breakfast with my parents and went back to my room. Of course I was... confused. What did I do wrong? I got into the bathroom, not feeling good... because of how things were right now. And the first thing that came to mind was... things people said online. Did he pick up on it? Had he finally realized that I am holding him back? I wanted to grab my phone but I couldn't find it... weird...

--the night before--

Shawn's POV

In the middle of the night I had woken up. Mila in my arms, calm. I somehow could hear voices downstairs. What is going on? I looked at my phone, seeing the time. 2 am. Who is awake? I decided on checking, since usually no one was awake, apart from Mila and me. I detached myself from Mila and quietly walked downstairs. I could make out the voices from Alejandro and Sinu... arguing? "No... she can't.... why are they doing this?" Sinu. I walked into the kitchen, knocking before walking in. They looked at me, shutting up. "Oh, Shawn. Why are you still awake?" "I woke up... I was feeling kind of thirsty... and I heard voices downstairs...." I admitted. "Oh Shawn, everything is... okay." Sinu said quietly. I saw Alejandro giving her a glance that Sinu picked up on. "Alright Shawn... listen..." Sinu said, leading me to the dining table with Alejandro. Okay... what I going on? I was really confused. Alejandro pulled his phone out. "Shawn... we just saw something... and we are not happy about it..." Alejandro said a bit stern. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, worried. Would they kick me out? "No Shawn... it is nothing you did... hijo... we trust you with Camila and I think you know that." Sinu said calmly. I was really... worried. I nodded. I care about her a lot. "So... we just saw this on twitter..." Alejandro continued, laying his phone on the middle of the table so we could all see what was on the screen. It was a comment section. Camila's comment section. "What is it?" I asked confused. "Read it... " I took the phone. Comments... hurtful... very, very hurtful... It was the post where she had apologized for the r hurtful things she had said when she was 16. I remember how she had called me, devastated when she had first read the reactions. She was doing miserable. But those comments were half as bad as these. And it was hurting me. I couldn't stop scrolling. The further down you get, the more hurtful comments I saw. "You understand our concerns?" Sinu asked after a few minutes. I looked up, sadness in my eyes. "I do...." "Shawn, she can't see this... not again. You remember how she was doing after she first saw the things people said about it..." I nodded, a memory of the phone call I had with her appearing in my head. "Shawn, we are going to keep this from her as long as possible... in a few day maybe this will disappear from her social medias. Hopefully." Alejandro said. I nodded, not able to form words. "Oh... but wait... look what else I found..." He said, hurt in his voice as he gave me his phone. It was a picture with a long text, similar to Camila's apology. 

I read it, tears rolling down my cheek which I quickly wiped away

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I read it, tears rolling down my cheek which I quickly wiped away. "Wow..." I said, speechless. "Shawn. She can't see any of this. Maybe... take her phone for a few hours tomorrow, alright? This is still to fresh and might be everywhere. Do not do anything outside the house please... as soon as pictures of you get publicized, more hate is going to be spread... so maybe just... stay here tomorrow, okay?" Alejandro asked me. The safety of their daughter was really important to them, bot so was it to me. "Alright... I'm sorry this is happening..." I said, taking each of their hands in mine. "Thank you Shawn, for everything you're doing. Now, go to bed and rest, it's late." Sinu said. I nodded standing up and walking back upstairs. I quietly opened the door to our room, seeing Camila still asleep. I smiled, she looked so calm, a smile on her face. I walked over, taking her phone from the bedside table. I hope she doesn't notice. I placed the phone in my drawer, getting back in bed and pulling her close to me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, kissing her head. The comments just wouldn't leave my head. Why doe she always get so much hate? Why her? She is such a pure soul... she is so sweet... innocent.. Why? I kissed her once more before finally closing my eyes and falling asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Mila was still sleeping in my arms. It was already 8 am and I had planned on going to the gym. I needed to let out the anger I had in me. I quickly got dressed, making sure to hide her phone and walked down to the gym. Of course I felt bad for hiding her phone but it was the best right now. She doesn't need any bad vibes in a time like this. I did a very long workout. Over two hours. I knew Camila was already up and had had breakfast. I had heard her talking to her parents. I was relieved that she had no idea of what was going on right now.

When I walked back into the living room, Camila was gone. "Where is she?" I asked Sinu. "She went back upstairs.. I think she knows something is wrong..." Sinu said, looking a bit worried. I nodded, grabbing a sandwich and walking upstairs. The bathroom door was closed so I knew she was in there. I sat on the bed, making sure to not lean back because my body was full of sweat. 


I was shocked when I read that post...

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