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Camila's POV

"Angel... how are you feeling?"  as soon as I opened my eyes, Shawn was there. I had an intense headache and I was sweaty so I sat up and peeled myself away from Shawns body. "I have a headache..." I told him, rubbing my temples. "Did you take your pills?" He asked, knowing I am supposed to take them when I feel anxious or have a bad day like right now. I shook my head, I hadn't. So he got up to get them for me after kissing my head quickly, making me feel loved. Mama had gotten me a refill on my old prescription just in case. When Shawn reentered the room he had the bottle of pills in his hand and a glass of water in the other. "Here baby." He said, gently sitting down next to me and giving me the glass. I was about to take it when I noticed how terribly my hand was shaking... oh god. "Oh Mila, wait, take it carefully...." He said, giving me the glass. I held it with both hands, pretty shaky, and he gave me support by helping me hold it. I quickly popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed it with water. "Thanks..." I said after putting the glass down. "You're welcome." He smiled, brushing a few hairs out of my face. "Come here..." He opened his arms for me and I immediately laid down in them, snuggling into his chest. He held my slightly shaking and sweaty body. I wasn't really feeling okay... and I don't even know why... but I appreciate that Shawn just didn't ask... he just... takes care of me. I laid in his arms just... thinking. And I know that isn't optimal.... since I tend to overthink but I just cant stop it...But I was lucky to quickly fall asleep again.

Shawn's POV

I was relieved when she finally fell asleep in my arms. I stayed in that position for maybe half an hour before I decided to do something productive and maybe even something that would finally put a smile on Mila's face again. I scrolled through my notes and saw something that has been in my plans for a while now. So I decided on doing that. I made sure that Mila was sleeping before I gently placed her on the mattress, pulling all the blankets over her so she would stay comfortable. I carefully stood up, put a nike shirt on and sat down on Mila's recording table, taking my black guitar and connecting my headphones to the guitar so the sound wouldn't disturb Mila. The sound wasn't completely mute but it wasn't as loud as usually. I played a few chords, trying different variations before deciding on one. I put my pone in front of me so I could have something to post and started singing my... favorite published song... because it is about my wonderful girlfriend, even though it is a little sad.

'I know a girl, she's like a curse...'

When I was satisfied with with the video, I edited it a bit and put a filter over it to make it more aesthetic before posting it with the simple caption 'Why'. I then looked over to the bed and Mila was still asleep.My poor baby... Of course I want to know what she is feeling or what triggered this but I know she just wants to be left in peace for a bit because she probably is in a war with her mind...

Remembering that her family was pretty worried earlier, I decided on letting them know what was going on. I gave Mila's lips a quick peck before opening the door and walking downstairs. It was around 3pm by now. "Ai Shawn. How is Camila?" "She is having an anxiety kinda day..." I explained while she gave me a glass of water. "Again?" She asked worried. I nodded. She is talking from the time before the pandemic started. Mila had been in a pretty dark and bad headspace before this whole thing started... and we were all incredibly worried. But she got through it. And she is going to get through it again. "Does she need anything? DO you need anything? Did you eat?" "I don't think she needs anything and we both haven't eaten yet but I'm gonna do it now... I don't know if Mila feels like eating just now." I said to her. It worries us when she doesn't eat, knowing her past struggles with food but it usually gets better after a few days. "Okay, go and stay with her Shawn.... really, thank you for being here..." Sinu said honest with a slight smile."You're welcome... thank you for letting me stay here." I smiled, putting a hand gently on her shoulder. And with that I stood up and walked back upstairs. "Mila? Are you awake?" "Hmm..." I heard her mumble from under the blanket. I smiled slightly, closing the door behind me and sitting in bet next to her. "Baby? You need to eat something." I told her while rubbing her back. I felt her shake her head while burying herself more into the pillows. "Mila... come on..." I leaned down to give her cheek a soft peck to hopefully make her listen to me. "Come baby..." I put the blankets a little to the side as attempt to get her to sit up. And she finally did. When se was comfortably leaning against the wall, I picked up the plates of food and gave her one. She took one but her hands were still pretty shaky. "Wait, let me feed you angel..." I took the plate from her hands but felt her shake her head. "Shawn... no... I can do it." She spoke, her voice pretty shaky. "Mila, let e help you." "Your already doing too much... I can do it on my own... you don't need to help me the- the whole time. I c-" "Mila, don't overwhelm yourself, its alright...I am here for you." I tried to reassure her. She was overthinking again... thinking it wasn't normal to need help.

The rest of the day was again spent in bed together, watching stuff on Netflix. I also showed her my video of 'Why' and it brought a small smile to her face which made me happy. Before going to bed I made sure to let her know how much I love her by holding her and kissing her and then she fell asleep before me. But of course... like usually when she has anxiety she woke up in the middle of the night at around 3 am... just staring at the ceiling. I tried to bing her back to sleep but it was useless so I just stayed awake with her, holding her and singing her back to sleep. I hope she feels better soon... I hate seeing her like this.


Its crazy that Mila really went through a phase where she thought quitting music was her only option....

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