Chapter 3

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After breakfast, Y/N, Ron, Fred and George decided to have a game of Quidditch to practice their skills on a broom. Hermione wanted to come but mostly just sat on a hill, reading her book and Harry was sat in the house with Ginny and Mrs Weasley.

They dusted off their brooms and took off. Fred and George were flying two Comet Two-Sixties followed by Y/N speeding along on his Nimbus Two Thousand while Ron was trailing behind them on an old Shooting Star which takes longer to go ten meters than it does for Hermione to finish a book, cover to cover.

After a while they finished their game and returned to the Burrow. One the way down they began to talk about their next year at school and this 'Lockhart fella' Mrs Weasley can't seem to get enough of. Apparently, he is well known throughout the wizard community for his 'amazing' skills in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He supposedly got rid of something called the Bandon Banshee all alone.

"Dunno how mum and dad are going to afford all our school stuff this year," said George. "Five sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs robes and a wand and everything..."

"I could always lend you some money, I don't mind." Harry said, thinking back to the time he went to see his vault full of money with Hagrid.

"Nah, don't want to make you lose all your money." Fred said, looking towards his friend with a sad smile.

"No seriously, it's fine." Harry replied, wanting to say that he had loads of money to spare but didn't want to sound like he was showing off.

"Sure...what the hell." Fred said, accepting Harry's offer.

Y/N and Hermione followed behind them, having their own conversation.

"Hey, I forgot to ask, how come you've come to the Burrow this year?" Y/N said, looking at the girl walking beside him.

"Mrs Weasley thought it would be a nice surprise for me to arrive early in the morning to greet you all, but to our shock we found that only Ginny was still in bed and that you had taken the car to go and rescue Harry." She said with a chuckle, lightly nudging Y/N's side.

"Yeah...sorry about that." He said with a nervous chuckle.

That night Y/N was brushing his teeth in the bathroom as Hermione began to get into her bed.

"Goodnight Y/N!" Hermione shouted from her bed with a smile on her face.

"Night Hermione!" He shouted back just before he dropped his toothbrush on the floor.

"Oh come on." He muttered to himself as he bent down to pick it up.

As he stood back up he misjudged the distance of the sink and his head as he smacked the back his head against the corner of the sink and cursed to himself and rubbed the back of his head.

"That looked like it hurt." A voice whispered in Y/N's ear as he spun around, only to be met with the sight of an empty room.

"I must've hit my head harder than I though." He said as he continued to look around while rubbing his head.

"Oh you hit your head hard alright, but I've been in your head since the end of last year." It replied with a snicker as Y/N looked at himself in the mirror.

"What?"Y/N whispered before splashing some water in his face.

"All will be revealed in time, just know that you are belong to me."

"I don't belong to anyone." Y/N challenged.

"Such courage, that's good, but you are extremely stupid boy. This may not seem like a good thing now, but soon you'll see that I have unlocked an ability within you...ever heard of Legilimency?" The voice asked as Y/N recalls reading about it in a book.

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