Chapter 2

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I ran upstairs and grabbed my shoes and coat before yelling "Dad I'm ready!" And quickly running back down the stairs where I found Jack, Katie and my father waiting for me next to the fireplace as we figured using Floo powder would be the quickest way to get to Diagon Alley.

"Okay kids, you remember what I told you? Speak clearly." Me and my siblings nodded our heads before I stepped into the fireplace "Okay, 3...2...1...DIAGON ALLEY!" I yelled before dropping the Floo powder and getting surrounded by green flames.

I opened my eyes to see a vibrant street filled with shops of every kind, witches and wizards talking and taking part in different activities. My father and siblings appeared next to me a few seconds later "Alright Y/N, I think we should get you fitted for your robes before we do anything else, 'cause if it's anything like I remember that shop gets very busy, very quickly." I nodded and followed him with Jack and Katie tailing behind me.

After getting fitted for my robes I was given permission to wander around on my own and collect my wand while father took Jack and Katie to get some treats and pick up the rest of my items.

I made my way to a shop called 'Ollivanders' and looked around in awe.

"Well well if it isn't Mr L/N, I've been expecting your arrival." A voice said.

I looked around and saw an old man, who to be honest looked a bit loopy, and greeted him politely.

"Are you Mr Ollivander sir?" I said slightly nervous and suspicious at the fact he knew my last name.

"Why yes Mr L/N, and I believe I have already found the perfect wand for you." He said as he went to the back of the shop. Seconds later he reappeared with a box.

After taking out the wand I waved it like my father instructed me before he left.


Something exploded cause me to flinch "Nope not that one." Mr Ollivander said as he snatched the wand back, quite rudely if I might add.

"How about this one. Yes, 12.5 inches, Red Oak wood and a Dragon Heartstring core, with supple flexibility. Here you go, give it wave."

As I flicked it something about this wand felt right as a warming sensation flowed over my body. "Thank you sir" I said as I prepared to walk out.

"Wait! I must remind you Y/N, nothing good comes out of guilt and revenge. Remember that." Okaaay I'm officially creeped out.

I gave him a confused look and a slow nod before walking out the shop but in my rush I accidently collided with a girl who had brown hair and a rather large number of books.

(A.N: Oh what convenient timing)

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said apologetically while helping her pick up some of the books she dropped.

"That's okay dear it was only an accident." A woman's voice said as I looked up and saw a man and a woman who I'm assuming are the girl's parents.

"Is this Ollivanders?" The man asked as I stood back up and handed him some of the books that had been dropped.

I nodded "Yes sir, this is where you receive your wand."

Immediately I assumed they were Muggles but I didn't want to be rude by asking. Instead, I shifted my attention to the girl beside me "Are you getting ready for your first year too?" I asked smiling at her.

She simply nodded and was about to speak, but not before Katie ran over and jumped on my back, causing me to stumble in surprise.

"Hey big bro, can you hurry up and finish flirting so we can go please?" She said as she wore a teasing smile looking between me and the girl.

This caused the girl to go bright red and her parents to start giggling as I chuckled nervously. Before Katie jumped off my back and ran towards Jack and my father.

I turned to the girl and her parents "Sorry about that she loves teasing me." I said before turning to the girl "I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts."

"Katie, your annoying, why can't you be relaxed and laid back like Jack." I said as I reached my family. Katie only looked at me and smiled saying something about how she's my sister and it being in her job description, I gave her a teasing smile before ruffling up her hair causing her to squeal and Jack to laugh. Father then presented me with a ginger cat with bright emerald eyes that I decided to call Rusty due to his dirty looking fur colour.

"Come along kids, we have to get Y/N prepared for his time at Hogwarts."

(A.N: I got bored revising for my mock GCSEs and decided to write another chapter hope the grammar and spelling is better than chapter 1. Once again if you have any ideas please let me know, also what house would you like to be put in for when we arrive at Hogwarts. Let me know :) Have a great day/night!)

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