Chapter 3

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Okay this is it, today is the day I go to Hogwarts, and I don't think I've been this excited since I discovered the legendary sport which is quidditch. When we arrived King's Cross Station I had my father by my side, Jack gripping my hand and Katie having a piggy back ride, ('cause why not I'm not gonna see her for a while).

I knew where Platform 9 3/4 since father hadn't shut up about since I came back from Diagon Alley. As I reached the wall between Platform 9 and 10 I placed Katie on the floor and took a deep breath.

"Remember run straight into the wall, no hesitation." My father said as he tapped my back and looked at me with a gentle smile "You'll be fine."

I nodded and ran with my trolley. I closed my eyes and when I reopened them I saw a magnificent red locomotive with steam shooting out of it's whistle. The Hogwarts express.

Jack, Katie and dad quickly followed behind me as I gave them all a hug and told them to send an owl to let me know how they are before taking Rusty and my other belongings to be loaded onto the train and entering myself.

After wandering down the corridor I finally came to an empty compartment and sat down.

With a sigh I waved to my family as they spotted me through the window and the train began to move.

I spent most the journey alone in my compartment, which I wasn't too bothered about, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. The thoughts that had haunted me for years 'what would have happened if I'd done what my mother wanted and ran? What would gave happened if I tried to fight or at least help? Would Maria L/N still be alive if I wasn't a scared little child?'

A knocking at the compartment door drew my attention away from my pessimistic thoughts as three other children entered the compartment and sat down.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I asked turning to the platinum haired pure-blood as he looked at me and smiled. "What? Can't I ask a fellow pure-blood how he's journey has been?"

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe this idiot. "I'd rather you not, thanks."

"Oh Y/N, I forgot to ask. How's your mother? Y'know Maria." I tensed at the sound of my mothers name leaving this scums mouth. Noticing my rigid state Malfoy smirked and continued, "Oh wait! I completely forgot, you let her die. Didn't you?" He laughed and I was starting to loose my cool very quickly.

His to mentally deficient 'friends', Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

I simply looked down in shame. They're right. I wasn't strong enough but I am strong enough to deal with this pathetic excuse of a wizard. I lunged forward, grabbed him by the collar and dragged him up so we were both standing.

"Now listen here you albino git! After I find out the exact person who took my mother from me, I won't hesitate to kill him! So I suggest Draco" I say throwing him back down before continuing "You don't get on my nerves and stay out of my way!"

After looking at the frightened expression on Malfoys' face I leave to find a different compartment.

I walked for a few minutes before finding a compartment with 3 people inside.

A boy with red hair and wiping dirt off his nose. 'Weasley' I thought.

Another boy with black hair and glasses who I don't recognise.

And a girl with bushy hair preforming a spell on the boy with glasses.

"Oculus Reparo." She said before looking shocked "Holy cricket you're Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger" She looked at the Weasley before continuing "And you are?" I chuckled silently at her distasteful tone.

"Ron Weasley" He said with a mouth full of food.

"Pleasure." She said, almost disgusted.

"Well well Harry Potter, never thought I'd meet you in person." I say making my presence known to the group "I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you mate" I continue while shaking his hand and introducing myself to the rest of the trio.

"Nice to see you again." I say as I look to the girl "Hermione, was it?" She simply nodded before saying. " You said your name was Y/N? It's nice to meet you, well meet you properly, because the last time we met it went a bit messy. Not saying that you're messy or anything..." She began to ramble about how I wasn't messy and actually looked quite nice as I chuckled at her awkward and panicked state.

"It's okay I understand" I said smiling kindly as she went bright red and apologised before turning to the other two "I suggest you get your robes on, we'll be there soon" And with that she left mumbling a "Goodbye" to me and left.

Turns out she was right, not 5 minutes later we exited the train to find a rather large and tall man waiting for us while calling out "FIRS' YEARS THIS WAY!"

After following the gentle giant we made our way onto some boats with other first years and set off over the lake toward Hogwarts.

My new home.

(A.N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took me a while to think of a few ideas to make it more lengthy and interesting rather than Y/N just finding a compartment with Ron and Harry like in a few other fanfictions. Next chapter will be the sorting. This has not been proof read so I apologise if there's mistakes. Have a great day/night!)

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