Chapter 13

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The two Gryffindors stepped off of the stone staircase once it reached the top, and waited for the door to open. Professor McGonagall had entered minutes before and ordered the boys to wait outside to be called in. They waited in a large and beautiful circular room, the walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistress', all of whom were napping peacefully in their frames.

Harry then saw something that caught his eye, something he had heard a lot about.

"Hey Y/N, this must be Dumbledore's phoenix." The boy stated to his friend.

"Yes, I think his name is Fawkes, McGonagall constantly complains about how he makes a racket in the morning so loud she can hear it in her dorm." Y/N chuckled.

The E/C eyed boy went over and started to stroke Fawkes' chest with the back of his fingers, causing the bird to let out a squawk of satisfaction.

"Bee in your bonnet Potter?"

Y/N and Harry heard a familiar voice and turned to see the Sorting Hat looking at them

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Y/N and Harry heard a familiar voice and turned to see the Sorting Hat looking at them.

"I-I was wondering if-"

"If I put you in the right house?" The Hat continued cutting Harry off. "You were difficult to place Potter, you would've made a good Slytherin, but you L/N..."

Y/N turned towards the Hat once more, a confused look on his face.

"You were the one who I struggled with the most, you see you show true courage, which is why I placed you in Gryffindor, are sly, cunning, ambitious and a natural leader, all those signs point to Slytherin.
Just like your mother."

Harry turned to his friend with a shocked expression. "Your mother was in Slytherin?! Why didn't you tell us?"

"It'a not that important, my mom may have been in Slytherin but she was the kindest, most loving and generous person I know, our house doesn't define who we are in the long run. Just like our parents don't, so please don't look at me differently just because I have Slytherin in my blood." Y/N sighed.

"It's true you know, Maria L/N had everything it took to be a Hufflepuff just like her younger sister, but in the end followed her older sisters into Slytherin." The Sorting Hat confirmed.

"You still should've told us, you know Ron's not going to be very happy." Harry stated.

"Well Ronald can suck it for all I care, he's been holding a grudge against me since I dont know when, I don't even know what it's about anymore." Y/N laughed.

Suddenly, they all hear a noise coming from Fawkes as he suddenly burned up and turned to ash.

"Oh?" Harry gasped.

"Harry? Y/N?"

Harry and Y/N looked up to where the voice had come from.

"Professor! Sir, your bird, there was nothing we could do, he just caught fire!" Harry said in shock.

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