Chapter 13

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Ben and Nick went to talk to some of their friends from other Houses as I sat next to Hermione. Students and staff of every House (apart from Slytherin) came up to me wishing me luck on my first Quidditch match as Seeker. Wood considered me Gryffindor's secret weapon. Some Slytherins came up to me saying they'll hold a blanket underneath me if I was to fall during the match.

"Hey Hermione? Do you think I'll fall off my broom during the match?" I asked Hermione with my head in my hands.

Hermione looked up from her book. "No, I don't think you will. You're very good you know."

After saying bye to Nick and Ben, me and Hermione went to the library to complete some homework, well, Hermione did, I was too distracted about what would happen if I did fall.

"It'll be humiliating if I fell." I mumbled.

Hermione rolled her eyes at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the library

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Hermione rolled her eyes at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the library. I couldn't help but go a bit red from the contact. I noticed we entered the trophy room as she pulled me in front of a cabinet and said, "You won't humiliate yourself, Quidditch is in your blood."

She then pointed to a trophy with 'Isaac L/N' and the words ' Ravenclaw Seeker' engraved onto it. I had never heard my dad talk about Quidditch from when he was at school. Another name caught my attention 'James Potter, Gryffindor Seeker'. I stood admiring the trophies when Hermione interrupted my thoughts.

"Do you mind if we go back to the library? I've got some more work to do."

I nodded and the two of us walked back to the library. I was slightly less nervous about the Quidditch match.

The next morning, I sat at the Gryffindor table playing with my food.

"You gotta eat," Ron said, "You need your energy."

I glared at him and ignored his statement, Harry nodded at what Ron said. "You'll do great today Y/N, don't worry." Harry said encouragingly.

By eleven o'clock I could see that almost the whole school seemed to be out in the stands waiting for the match to start. I scanned the crowed and saw Nick, Ben, Harry, Ron and Hermione all with their Gryffindor scarves, ready to cheer the team on.

I was pacing nervously in the changing room, I would occasionally peer out and look at the stands and the crowd, but seeing Hermione ready to cheer me on, even though she doesn't seem interested in Quidditch, calmed my nerves slightly and made me determined to win.

"Okay men," Wood began when he entered the changing rooms.

"And women," Said Angelina Johnson, a Chaser.

"The big one," Fred continued.

"The one we've been waiting for," said George.

"We know Oliver's speech off by heart," Fred whispered to me, "We were on the team last year."

"Shut up, you two," said Wood, "This is the best team Gryffindor's had in years. We're going to win. I know it. Right. It's time. Good luck, all of you."

Wood gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before we all walked out onto the field. Immediately I heard the sound of the crowd erupting in cheers.

 Immediately I heard the sound of the crowd erupting in cheers

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"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you." Madam Hooch, who was refereeing, said to both of the captains.

"Mount your brooms please!" She shouted to everyone on the pitch.

I mounted my Nimbus Two Thousand and took a few deep, calming breaths. Once I heard Madam Hooch's whistle I kicked off and started flying.

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor, what an excellent that girl is, and rather attractive too..." Lee Jordan, the commentator said.

"JORDAN!" I heard a voice shout.

"Sorry Professor." Lee mumbled in return.

"And she's really belting along up there, neat pass to Fred Weasley...back to Johnson, the Slytherin's have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes...Flint flying like an eagle up there...he's going to sco-no, stopped by an excellent move by the Gryffindor Keeper, Wood. And the Gryffindor's take the Quaffle...that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field...OUCH! That must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by the Bludger...Quaffle is taken by Slytherin...that's Adrian Pucey speeding off towards the goalposts, but he's blocked by the second Bludger...sent his by George Weasley, nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, Johnson is in possession of the Quaffle, clear field ahead and off she goes...she's really flying now...dodges a speeding Bludger...the goal posts are ahead...come on Angelina...Keeper Bletchley dives...misses...GRYFFINDOR SCORES!"

I pumped my fist in celebration of Angelina's goal.

The match went on for a few more minutes before I saw the golden shimmer of the Snitch fly past Adrian Pucey of Slytherin.

Wasting no time I dived down following the Snitch, I was quicker than the other Seeker and was reaching out to grab the Snitch.

Wasting no time I dived down following the Snitch, I was quicker than the other Seeker and was reaching out to grab the Snitch

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A roar of rage echoed through the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff stands. Marcus Flint had blocked my path and rammed into me on purpose and I could tell it would bruise. I managed to regain myself and carried on watching the free shot at the goals Gryffindor gained from Flints foul.

Angelina took the free shot and obviously with her level of talent had scored. I cheered for my teammate before carrying on. Suddenly I felt my broom begin to twist in my grip and before I knew it the broom had jolted and almost thrown me off, I thought I was about to fall and gripped my broom tighter.

I kept on holding on and prayed to Merlin I could hang on for long enough.

(A.N: Sorry I've not been releasing chapters everyday, school has been very demanding, especially since I'm in Year 11. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Have a great day/night!)

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