Chapter 11

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Today I had Charms with Professor Flitwick, and finally we were going to learn how to make objects fly. We were put into pairs, and I was partnered with Harry, and Ron was with Hermione.

"Lucky bastard." I mumbled as I saw Ron walk over to Hermione.

I could tell he was annoyed he had to work with Hermione as he looked at me while I mouthed 'Be nice' and shooting him a glare.

"Now don't forget that nice smooth wrist movement we've been practicing!" Professor Flitwick announced, "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the incantation properly is very important too, never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the with a buffalo on his chest."

The whole class looked quite worried so I added. "But this spell isn't that complex is it Professor?"

"Of course not L/N, I can assure you, no one will have a buffalo on their chest." Flitwick responded causing the class to relax slightly.

As the class started to practice the spell, I made sure I was pronouncing it properly before I started to use my wand.

Right before I attempted the spell I looked to Hermione and Ron behind me. Hermione didn't seem to be having much trouble, Ron on the other hand had no idea what to do.

"Wingardium Leviosar!" Ron shouted at the feather as he waved his wand around.

"Ron look at what I do and try to copy." I say grabbing his attention while I got my wand out. "Wingardium Leviosa." I said, right as the feather began to float through the air.

"Well done!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed. "Look everyone, Mr L/N has managed to do it!"

"You're saying it wrong." I heard Hermione say as I turned to her, "It's 'Wingardium Leviosa', you said 'Leviosar'" She said encouragingly to Ron.

" I heard Hermione say as I turned to her, "It's 'Wingardium Leviosa', you said 'Leviosar'" She said encouragingly to Ron

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"Oh piss off, bookworm." I heard Ron mutter to her whilst rolling his eyes and turning away from her to join Harry, who was sat next to me. Hermione looked at me with hurt and sadness in her eyes, I gave her a friendly smile and took her hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry about Hermione, it's only Ron being the miserable git he is."

After lesson ended, I walked out with Harry and Ron, it didn't take Ron long to start complaining about Hermione again.

"No wonder no one can stand her," he said to us as we made our way through a crowd of third years and into a corridor, "she's a bloody nightmare, honestly."

"Come on Ron, you're not really being fair." I said annoyed as he glanced at me. "Maybe if you stopped being a selfish git you could actually give her a chance!" I defended, Hermione didn't seem half as bad as Ron was saying, she was actually really friendly.

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