Chapter 8

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"Y/N L/N!"

I gulped as Professor McGonagall stormed towards me.

"Never, in all my time at Hogwarts," she said almost speechless at what she'd just seen, "how dare you, you could've broken your neck!"

"But Profes-"


"It wasn't his faul-"

The Gryffindors speaking in my defence were silenced as McGonagall raised her hand and spoke. "L/N, come with me now."

As I got up to follow her I saw the triumphant smiles of Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins, this annoyed me so much that without thinking I threw the nearest stick at Malfoy that hit him on the forehead with a satisfying 'THONK!'

As I got up to follow her I saw the triumphant smiles of Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins, this annoyed me so much that without thinking I threw the nearest stick at Malfoy that hit him on the forehead with a satisfying 'THONK!'

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Everyone gasped, Harry and Ron where hysterical and Malfoy began to groan on the ground.

"L/N don't make this harder than it needs to be, follow me now."

I sighed and followed her, I was almost certain I was going to get expelled and then my father would have to send me to Durmstrang, I mean who in the right mind would want to go there?

McGonagall didn't say a word to me and instead marched through the corridors in silence as we reached a classroom.

"Excuse me Professor Flitwick, may I borrow Wood for a moment?" McGonagall said as Flitwick got to the door of the class.

I gulped this cannot be good.

I was pleasantly surprised when a tall, fifth year boy walked out of the classroom instead of a cane like I was expecting.

"You two, follow me." McGonagall instructed and I could do nothing but follow her and become extremely confused while doing so.

We ended up in a different classroom that was empty after Peeves was kicked out and after closing the door Professor spoke, "L/N, this is Oliver Wood. Wood, I've found Gryffindors newest seeker."

McGonagall smiled at Wood as his face immediately changed to amazement and in fact, so did mine.

"Are you serious Professor?" Wood asked with joy.

"Absolutely," said McGonagall happily, "the boy's a natural. I've never seen anything like it. He caught the boys Remembrall in his hand after at least a fifty-foot dive." Professor McGonagall said to Wood. "Didn't even scratch himself. I bet Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it."

I just stood and observed the exchange. Wood looked as if he had been given the firebolt.
"You know how to play Quidditch L/N?" Wood asked turning to me.

"Of course, it's the best sport ever." I smiled.

McGonagall said how she'll have to ask Dumbledore if he can bend the rules to allow a first year to play and I couldn't help smile at the thought of me helping to win the house cup at the end of the year.

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