Chapter 5

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After I introduced myself to the other Gryffindors we finished our feast and made our way to the Gryffindor dorms.

We followed our house prefect, Percy Weasley as he led us to our Common Room. He stopped at a portrait of a Fat Lady and said clearly. "Caput Draconis."

The portrait swung open to reveal a room covered in red to symbolise the Gryffindor colours.

Percy showed both the boys and the girls where they would be sleeping, and I was happy when I found out I'd be sharing a dorm with Harry and Ron along with Dean, Seamus and Neville who I spoke to during the feast. Our trunks were brought up and neatly placed on our beds along with our Gryffindor accessories.

I didn't get much sleep that night. I was too excited about tomorrow, but I couldn't help wonder what dangers my time at Hogwarts could bring for me and my family.

My first week at Hogwarts was better than I ever imagined, I loved every minute of it. I had Astrology every Wednesday at midnight which I find interesting, there was Charms with Professor Flitwick, there was History of Magic which was probably the most boring lesson overall but interesting none the less.

There was also Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, which so far was one of my favourite lessons. Our first Transfiguration task was turning a match into a needle. At the end of the lesson, only me and Hermione had managed to do it, I nudged Hermione and smiled mouthing. "Good job." In return she gave me a shy smile and a, "Thank you." I thought it was quite cute 'WAIT WHAT!' I shook my head and got rid of the thought as McGonagall gave us both a rare smile.

The class I had next was Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrel, who made me feel uneasy whenever I was around him, like there was more to him than meets the eye. His room always smelled like garlic, which was apparently to ward of some vampires he's met and his turban was a gift for fighting a zombie, 'Doubt it' I thought as he was explaining, but he made sure not to go into too much detail.

One time, I was about to leave when for some reason he looked me dead in the eye, like he was about to say something, but he stayed quiet. Slowly a stabbing pain made its way over my scar and I began feel the urge to start coughing, fighting the urge I quickly gathered my belongings and left the class, but in my rush I didn't see his smirking face as his eyes followed me out of the room.

Rushing toward the boys toilets I failed to notice a concerned Hermione tailing me as I pushed open the door.

As soon as I entered the lavatory I dropped my belongings and began to cough as I soaked my face in cold tap water and coughed into my hand, then placed it on the side of the sink to steady myself as I continued to gasp for air. Once my surprise coughing fit had finished and the pain in my chest had subsided I removed my hands from the sink I was gripping and I went to grab the belongings I'd dropped as I went to reach down I noticed something on the side of the sink where the hand I coughed into was placed moments before.


Hermione POV:

I noticed Y/N hurrying out of Defence Against the Dark Arts looking panicked and decided to follow him to check if he was okay.

I followed him all the way to the nearest boys toilets.

"Damn." I mumbled as I reached the door, I was about to knock when Parvati and Lavender, two of the girls I share a dorm with dragged me along to the Great Hall for the feast, leaving me to wonder what had Y/N in such a panicked state.

I'll have to ask him at the feast, or ask Harry and Ron, they seem to be close friends with him.

Harry POV:

We sat in the Great Hall waiting for our food as students began to fill up the seats, chatting among themselves as me and Ron waited for Y/N.

"Where do you think he is Ron?" I asked slightly worried about our friends absence.

Ron simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat him meal, I rolled my eyes 'Doesn't he care his friend has been missing for almost 45 minutes. And does he ever stop eating?' I thought as Hermione sat beside me about to speak.

"Do you two know what's wrong with Y-" She said before SOMEONE rudely interrupted.

"Don't you have other friends to talk to!" Ron groaned with a mouth full of food. I was about to apologise to Hermione when Y/N walked through the doors to the Great Hall.

Hermione let out what sounded like a breath of relief as I smiled at my friend. Ron didn't even notice he had come back as he was piling more food onto his plate.

Mine and Hermione's smile soon dropped as we took in Y/N's appearance.

His hair looked like he'd ran his hand through it hundreds of times, his shoulders were slumped and his face was pale and sweaty.

"He looks ill." I mumbled softly to Hermione as she nodded in agreement looking concerned for the boy walking towards us.

Y/N sat down in between me and Hermione and mumbled a quick "Hello." To both of us before Hermione spoke up.

"Hello! That's all you have to say! Do you have any idea how worried I've been since I saw you rush out of Defence Against the Dark Arts?!"

Me and Y/N looked shocked at Hermione's outburst as we gave each other a sideward glance before Y/N sighed and spoke.

"Sorry, I appreciate your concern Hermione." He said as he placed his hand on her shoulder which caused her to go slightly red. Y/N continued "I umm... I just got claustrophobic-yeah claustrophobic." He said trailing off slowly and taking his hand off Hermione's shoulder which caused her to look down in... disappointment?

Me and Hermione looked at each other and narrowing our eyes in a secret message knowing that Y/N hadn't given us the truth.

"You never told me you were claustrophobic Y/N." I said smirking slightly to Hermione who knew what I was up to, I looked for a reaction, and as expected I got one.


"You never told me you were claustrophobic Y/N." Harry asked which caught me off guard as my eyes widened slightly and I prayed to Merlin they didn't notice as they watched me closely.

"Yeah I-I was just embarrassed to mention it." I quickly said off the top of my head as I began to busy myself, distract myself.

I couldn't tell them what really happened after I entered the toilets, this was something I had to figure out.


(A.N: Hello! Hope this chapter intrigued you, if not I'm sorry and I'll try make the next chapter more interesting. Next chapter we meet Professor Snape so it should be full of drama. But until then, have a great day/night!)

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